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I never thought I'd have to actually write or publish a chapter like this.

I literally finished the book what...4 hours ago? And I'm having to post this because I want to make a point.

You can insult me and my writing all you like, that's fine and I don't care - I'll take that in my stride.

But do me a favour, and don't go back to the first chapter and comment the ending on the first paragraph. You know EXACTLY who you are.

I have since deleted the comment but it's kind of a douche move, not gunna lie.

I don't mind any comments on my work, just don't ruin the plot for other people. That's just rude and inconsiderate.

Not just on my book but other author's books too!

I just thought I'd say this because it only took 4 hours for someone to tell me their thoughts and spitefully go back to comment the ending.


I love the feedback and appreciate everyone!


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