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AN: Shoot! I'm such a bitch, I forgot to post. I've been so busy reading and it just skipped my mind when this chapter was ready AGES ago!! So, enjoy!! Le update!

His words echo through my head, still trying to process what that actually means. Man, I wish I paid attention in that stupid fucking school we had to go to. I feel my jaw drop as I stare at him in disbelief.

"Do you know what that means?" He asks, seeming confused by my reaction. Of course I know what that fucking means! Anyone who's anyone knows what that means! I'm not a noob to werewolves, I did watch a few shitass fake movies about them before they turned out to be fucking real! He still seems to be staring at me so I nod my head as an answer, still trying to process my new reality.

"Good, so you did go to school." He mumbles slightly and I try my best not to shoot him a glare. At school I want to learn math, science, English, fuck I would even do Geography again if we were given the chance. Anything but fucking wolf culture and watching the beatings.

"W-w-wha...h-how?" I furrow my eyebrows at him. I swear only the wolf side of them get mates?

"How much do you know?" He licks his bottom lip and I feel my heart flutter at the sight.

"Uh...not much. I've only read like one page of that textbook." I admit to him and hear a small chuckle. Oh my god, his smile is fucking gorgeous and I know that after seeing it for less than a second, before it disappeared and was replaced by his stoic expression.

"They are pretty boring." He agrees and I release a breathy laugh of agreement, happy that he didn't get pissed about me criticising their wolfy lessons. "Well, a werewolf's mate is chosen by the Moon Goddess and they are a wolf's soul mate. Their perfect other half. To reject them is like rejecting the Goddess herself and can result in the death of both parties." He briefly explains to me and I freeze.

So that means I'm stuck with him? Great. There's no way out? Well, if this Moon Goddess woman chose us then maybe she could un-choose us. What if she misspelled the name and accidentally got me instead of a Blake or she used the wrong colour and there's someone out there called Red or Green Woods just waiting for the Alpha or something?

"Maybe she made a mistake?" I think aloud.

"She does not make mistakes!" He growls angrily, slamming a hand down on the wood beside him, making me jump back at the sheer volume of his voice.

"Sorry." I whisper. A frown forms on my lips when I see the hurt on his face over what I have said. I'm not a wolf, I am a human! This just isn't right!

"You see, with werewolves, once you find your mate your wolf creates a bond with them. Since you're not a werewolf and therefore have no wolf, you don't necessarily feel the bond to the same extent as a werewolf does." He continues his explanation and I nod along to what he says. Huh, and here I was thinking the big bad Alpha would be a closed off guy who wouldn't talk to me.

"W-what does that m-mean?" I stutter and curse myself again for stuttering, that same smirk plastered on his stupidly adorable face yet again.

"It means," He un-crosses his legs and comes over to me, resting his two large ring clad hands on the armrests of my chair as he leans towards me, "You are mine." His breath fans out across my face and I feel mine get caught in my throat.

The power in his voice makes me believe every word he's saying, full heartedly and I really do want to believe that he will love me. I know he won't. That's not how love works. It's not just some magical bond between two wolves that the humans just accept as normal. Love is earned.

"Yours?" I whisper, trying not to get him to lash out at me again. If he does I know I will break down right here in this chair.

"Mine." He repeats as he stands back to his feet again, walking round the back of the chair I'm sat in. "No one else can touch what's mine." He whispers in my ear from behind sending shivers down my spine. What is he doing to me?

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