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AN: I'm back again, a little earlier than promised but that's okay. Something to help with the middle of the week. Hope you like!

I really appreciate the comments and feedback on the last chapter. I'm trying to make this book as enjoyable as possible so I'm going to add in a few bits here and there.

Any new character names you would like to see?

Le Update - Enjoy Xx

Alexander rips me off the desk as another arrow flies through the shattered windowpane, just missing us and imbedding itself in the wall of his office, a piece of parchment hanging from the back of it. He puts his body between mine and the window, one of his hands around my head to protect me from another arrow that never comes.

Louis is first to enter the room, closely followed by the rest of the boys. They're all on guard, clearly ready for an attack that I'm pretty sure won't come anytime soon. These arrows were to send a message...I'm not sure what the message is but it was to send a message that I'm assuming is written on the parchment.

"Liam, take Blue to her room and watch her." Alexander orders, releasing me from his grasp.

"I'm not going anywhere." I fold my arms in protest. Someone just threatened my life, I'm not just going to let him order me into a room so he can solve this problem for me. That's not how this works and I won't let that be how this works.

"Fine." He doesn't even argue. Okay, who are you and what have you done with Alpha Alexander Black?

"I've already sent trackers into the forest after whoever did this." Harry assures Alexander, "What happened?" He asks, the boys walking further into the room to inspect the damage.

Does anyone else see the parchment?

They all continue to recount what happened and run through all the possible suspects, most notably the Human Resistance and the Pales.

Rolling my eyes at their idiocy, I walk straight over to the arrow in the wall and attempt to pull it out. That's right, attempt since it's so far in there I think it found Narnia. Say 'hi' to Aslan for me.

The material it's made from is too thick for me to break by hand to get the note off so I spin around, searching Alexander's office for something hard. Ah, a cane. Why he has a walking stick in his office, I may never know. I pick up the black painted stick, getting a feel for its weight as I walk back over to the arrow.

The boys have basically forgotten I'm here as I bring the stick above my head and swing it at the arrow like a mad woman. The sound of the wood snapping and the cane hitting the floor catches all of their attentions very quickly.

"What are you doing?" Louis gives me an outraged look like I'm completely crazy. The other boys have all stopped what they're doing to look at me confused but when my eyes reach Alexander I can almost see pride in his eyes. Almost.

"What?" I chuck the cane on the floor and pull the parchment off the arrow. I carefully unroll it to reveal perfectly penned on words.

Make your decision soon or next time I won't miss, Alpha.

I read the words out to them all, a loud growl coming from Alexander when I finish speaking. His fist goes straight through his desk, smashing it into two haves that collapse on the floor. I jump in surprise, blood dripping from his hand where the splintered wood cut him.

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