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AN: Look at me! I'm back again! It's finally the Easter Holidays! I might make my chapters longer because of all the time I've now got on my hands! Life is good! (Well as good as it can get during a virus outbreak)
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

An icy shiver creeps its way up my spine. The water of the frozen lake is not helping my sinking body temperature. Not at all. I can't even feel my feet!

I hiss when Alexander presses the frigid piece of fabric to the large bump on my forehead. I can only imagine how big and swollen it looks.

"Sorry." He mutters, attempting to dab it more gently against my forehead.

My hands are still shaking, I'm not sure if it's from the shock or the cold but I can't seem to get them to stop. It's like my brain is elsewhere again, like it's run away with the fairies leaving me to try and understand everything that's happened without any of my common sense.

That wolf was shot. What could he have possibly known to have been shot? Who shot him?

Alexander's wolves tracked and chased the archer but lost the scent in the mountains. The heavy rain and snow helped to mask his scent. Good to know.

The cloth is dipped back in the water and he brings it to my cheek, washing away the blood and staining the fabric in the process. I'm covered in it. I'm a filthy, disgusting person.

"Baby say something." Alexander says in a soft tone, crouching down in front of me to meet my eyes. He puts the cloth down and takes my hands in his, both of them warmer than mine still.

"Say anything." He pleads, "You're scaring me." I don't know why I'm scaring him. I haven't said anything to him to scare him, I've just sat here processing everything. More accurately, failing to process everything.

"Call me an asshole, smack me, throw something, just do anything." He begs. Oh what I would give to smack him senseless for everything he's put me and Mia through over this past couple months, but I won't. I don't see a point to it. What's hitting him going to do?

"I can see your brain working. What're you thinking?" He tilts his head at me, moving one of his hands up to my neck and rubbing my jaw with his thumb.

"She just tore her apart." My eyes stare blankly at the floor. The words uttered from my lips are so weak it's like if the wind picked up they'd be carried away.

"There-there was nothing left of her." I ramble, still trying to comprehend what I saw. "She completely ripped her apart." The picture of her body flashing in the forefront of my mind.

"It's not your fault." He tells me, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I could have helped." I finally tare my gaze away from the blood stain on the floor to look at his bright green eyes. "She shouldn't have died like that."

"Baby, listen to me." I focus more intently on his eyes, the little flickers of blue dancing around his left iris and the more grey ones in his right. "There was nothing you could have done, you understand? This is not your fault."

I sigh, feeling the aching burn of tears in my eyes but not a single one is brave enough to run down my cheek.


"It's not your fault." He repeats more seriously, bringing a hand up to caress my cheek. I frown. He's right, it isn't my fault but I still feel responsible for her.

"Then why does it hurt so bad?" I trail my eyes up his arm to his forlorn face. He almost looks as emotional as I do though I'm way more of a wreck than he is. He hides his emotions so well, I guess that's something he had to learn being an Alpha and all.

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