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A/N: Holy fucking shit! (I start chapters with that a lot but with good reason) 5K reads?! Um...excuse me! How the hell did this happen?! Thank you SO MUCH for reading my book!

I was actually really excited to write this chapter. I know, I said I'd make a schedule but I haven't actually stuck to it at all.

Also, be warned. This chapter is going to have a little bit of feistiness in it. Trying not to make it stereotypical but also conforming to all the stereotypes. What can I say, I'm cool like that.

*flicks hair over shoulder*

Anyway...here's it is! Le Update - Enjoy Xx

Today, like any other day, I am woken by Mia jumping on me and then forced downstairs to eat food that I'm not really hungry for.

I pick at a small bowl of fruit, leaving the mango to one side of the bowl and eating from the other. I watch with a smile as Mia and Liam joke around on the other side of the island. She's really taken a liking to him. She so would have been a daddy's girl if he was still here.

"Blue." I turn to see Teddy walking into the room with only a pair of boxers on.

"My eyes!" Mia screams in terror and Liam holds his hands up to cover her eyes.

"Put some clothes on!" Liam joins in making me snicker.

"Go away." He rolls his eyes. "Anyway, Xan wants to see ya in his office." Why? Why does he want to see me? Is it good or bad?

I nod my head and ever so slowly make my way out the room, giving myself time to try and guess what he could possibly want. My hands shake at my sides and I can feel myself sweating slightly.

It only takes one knock for me to be called inside. I carefully open the door and step inside where I find Alexander is sat at his desk, looking at something on his laptop, while another person sits in the chair opposite him.

"Blue, this is Felicity. She's the one watching you today." Alexander states, logging off his computer and turning to gage my reaction. The girl stands and turns to face me which gives me a better look at her.

She's tall with long strawberry blonde hair and light brown eyes. She's a pretty girl with a heart shaped face and hourglass figure. A warm smile appears on her cherry lips and a perfectly manicured hand extends towards me.

"Hi, I'm Felicity." She introduces herself. Her voice is higher than I expected though I'm not one to judge.

"Blue." I shake her hand with a similar smile, though mine probably looks really fake.

"It's so nice to meet you." She grins with a little twinkle in her eye. "I can't wait to meet Mia, I love kids."

"Yeah, she's great." I agree, my eyes leaving her brown ones to look at the questioning green eyes behind her. I don't know what it is about her that I don't like but she just seems so...fake? Her whole disposition just doesn't suit her.

The awkward meeting finishes with Alexander telling me to go eat more food in the kitchen while he finishes talking to Felicity. I was hesitant at first but left the room, sending Felicity one last glance before I did. I just don't know what it is about her that has my skin crawling and puts an uneasy feeling in my stomach.

"And what's going on in here!" I place my hands on my hips. Why is it that whenever I come to the kitchen the boys are all messing around with Mia? And they're always making pancakes! This is starting to become unhealthy.

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