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Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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I'm shaking.

I'm not cold, I shouldn't be shaking this much.

Pure terror surges through my veins like icy daggers straight to the heart. Another shiver runs menacingly up my spine causing me to choke on air.

How is she- Who could- Why?

I hear a loud crash behind me, closely followed by two hands touching my face. I'd have flinched back if it wasn't for the ice in my joints preventing me from doing anything but shake. The familiar tingles tell me it's Alex and I find myself relaxing into his touch.

I can hear his voice. He's talking to me but it's as though he's at the end of a tunnel that's lined with bells. All I can hear is ringing and the distant echo of his voice.

My head is slowly moved until I catch his eyes, loosing myself in the forest green of his irises. I don't hesitate to pull him towards me, holding him as close to me as I can get him.

I relish in his warmth with his arms securely wrapped around my back. I nuzzle my head into his neck, trying to pull him closer if that's even possible.

"Oh my Goddess!" I hear Louis somewhere behind me, closely followed by the light switch turning on. I keep my face hidden in Alex's neck, not wanting to look behind me.

I feel Alex move his head and then his arms tense around me, clinging to me so tightly it's almost painful. I honestly couldn't care less right now.

I'm scared and he's making it feel less so.

I think the scariest part of all of this is that someone managed to get in here and out her there without anyone noticing. Someone was in here while I was in here because she wasn't there when I first came in the room.

It makes me feel sick to my stomach. Oh god, I think I might vomit. I bite back the bile that burns my throat, a wave of nausea overcoming me.

I wasn't alone in here.

It could have been absolutely anyone in here and they could have just as easily killed me as they had hung her up in such a terrible way. Not to mention Mia in the other room, she could have just as easily been harmed in some way. I need them to check on her.

I obviously can't since I physically can't move. I can't even bring myself to react to it all. I can't cry. I can't frown. I can't shout. I can't speak. I can't feel sad that Lucy is gone. I'm just numb.

Alex tilts his head down to look at me, putting a small distance between us so that he can speak to me, though his don't move from around me.

"Blue," his face begins to blur slightly while I look at him, "Blue, what happened?"

There shouldn't be two Alexes in front of me right now. They keep floating around making me feel even dizzier that before. I tilt my head to the side as an attempt to get the two pictures of him to merge, blinking rapidly in hopes it would help.

"Blue?" He questions, bringing one of his hands in front of my face. He waves his hand in front of me and I would have waved back if my eyes hadn't decided that would be the time to roll into the back of my head.

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