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Hello Again, you beautiful and amazing readers!

Yes! You did read that right! The second book is coming!

Plot: Done!
Cover: Done!
Chapters: Started...
Me: Yay!
Hotel: Trivago!

Cover inspired by thepassionofwriting

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Cover inspired by thepassionofwriting

(I will also be changing the cover for this book if I haven't done so already)


His lips are feverish against mine, his hands roaming my body not sure where to start but wanting to be everywhere at once.

He tugs his shirt over his head, carelessly discarding it behind him as his hands go to my hips. He lifts me up, tossing me onto the mattress behind me before I even get the chance to feel his muscles beneath my fingertips. Someone's eager.

I bounce slightly as I land, my hair falling in front of my face. I wipe it away with my hands and tuck it behind my ears, watching him with limited patience as he slowly unbuckles and whips the belt out from around his waist though keeps it folded in his hand.

My breathing comes out laboured and my entire body is on fire from the look he's giving me alone. I feel like his prey and, from the look on his face, he looks about ready to devour me.

His fingers expertly undo the button of his trousers, my eyes watching his slow, almost teasing, movement. You won't look this smug if you get it caught in the zip.

Even though we both want this, I'm still upset with him and a part of me feels like he doesn't deserve this. Sure, he apologised but he has to earn his forgiveness.

He moves to crawl over me but I press my foot to his bare chest, halting his advances. I can feel his racing heart in his chest, his muscles are warm under the pressure of my foot.

He raises his eyes to look up at me from under his eyelashes, his hair messily strewn over his forehead and falling in front of his lust filled gaze. His hand wraps around my ankle, ready to pull it away but I hold my finger up to him, causing him to raise a quizzical brow.

"On your knees Wolfie."

(This is NOT the blurb, this is a part later on in the book)

So the intro bit is posted but Chapters 1-5 will be up at the date below. I just need to go over and edit them one last time.


Hope to see you guys there!
Love you all!
-Nikki Xx

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