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A/N: Sooooooo I haven't really updated in a while and I don't really have an excuse. I've been so into reading that I just forgot to write more or update. Anyway, 275 reads?! What the actual fuck?! That's like 274 more than I thought I would get! So here it is - Le Update!


My eyes open to be greeted by a harsh stinging sensation. A panic sets in when I don't feel a cool breeze but a freezing current blow my hair like seaweed floating around me. The realisation that I am underwater sets in and I frantically use my arms to try to pull myself upwards but there's no light to signify the surface. I'm surrounded completely in darkness.

My head is pounding, every cell in my body is screaming for oxygen. I keep fighting until I feel like my head is about to explode, I have to take a breath but I refuse to give in. I begin to fall. I fall further and further into the darkness until it threatens to swallow me whole.

My eyes start to go hazy but I refuse to give in to the battle and let the water consume me. I refuse to allow the darkness to conquer me. I keep fighting with all my strength, my clothes weighing me down more.

Breathe my child.

So I do. For some reason it doesn't hurt like I thought it would, I'm not scared anymore, it's almost peaceful actually. The water floods my lungs like an invading army but all they do is bring me peace.

I shoot up in bed gasping for breath, oxygen finally flooding my lungs. A thin layer of sweat beads on my forehead and I quickly climb out of the bed to remove this feeling of being trapped and helpless. I walk over to the window and crack it open to allow the cold breeze into the room. I sigh, knowing I won't get back to sleep so I go and grab a book from the bookshelf.

I decide upon The Great Gatsby and take my seat upon the window seat, leaning against a pillow as the moonlight illuminates the elegant pages of the novel. I start to read and I read until the sun comes up, it's rays delicately dancing over the horizon and illuminating the beautiful forest and field. Birds begin to chorus together in their morning symphony but little does that last before the wind is filled with the growls and howls of the wolf pack.

My brain is quick to return to the thought of escaping with Mia. I can't risk her life on an escape though and despite Alpha Black carrying her yesterday, I still saw the small hatred in his eyes. From the first time he looked at her he had this kind of predatory glare set on her.

My eyes glance away from the book to the field below the window where I spot a group of wolves training. It's probably no later than 5 o'clock in the morning and they're working out?!

I don't even remember the last time I purposefully woke up at 5AM, let alone to work out. My eyes are slowly drawn towards one of the wolves, the largest of all. He stands a good few inches above everyone else, his build easily much broader than those of the other wolves.

I can hear a faint echo of his deep voice floating on the wind and my heart flutters slightly at the richness of his tone - luxurious and warm. I rest my finger on the page of my book as I turn my attention away to the field of training men and women.

I can't seem to stop my eyes from being drawn to one wolf in particular, the way his muscles moved with every punch, his perfectly tattooed arms and nude torso and, even from this distance, I can just about make out his chiselled features.

God, what am I actually doing with my life right now? Am I actually fantasizing about a wolf? Of course I am, I internally roll my eyes at myself.

I'm about to get up and go take a shower when two jade green eyes meet mine and I freeze. I hold the dominating gaze, feeling the power radiating off him from the confinement of the bedroom. It only takes a few moments before my eyes submit and I bow my head away. I quickly step back from the window, leaving the book lying face down on the window seat.

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