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AN: I feel like I can't write anymore. I feel like it's full of fluff or the storyline moves at constantly changing paces. Is it too fast or too slow? I dunno.

Also, I've been reading all your comments and it just makes me SO happy that you guys are actually enjoying it. I know it's a bit weird but it's nice to know people are enjoying it. Your comments always make me so HAPPY. THANK YOU !!!
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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Louis' PoV
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"Oh, come on man." I shake my head at Xan.

"What was I supposed to do?" He frowns at me.

"Uh...not be an asshole?" I suggest the most obvious thing in the world. He doesn't seem to like my honestly when his wolf growls at my own until he submits. Damn, having this mate of his makes him just as grumpy as it does make him happy.

"Need I remind you that we aren't fully mated yet so if anyone of the pack gets wind of this, they have every right to challenge for her position." He reminds me with a growl. He sits behind his desk, rubbing his temples with his hands. Man, no wonder he's stressed. I forgot about the challenge thing.

"Don't worry Xan, none of us are going to spill it." I try to reassure him but the roll of his eyes tells me he doesn't believe me. Huh, rude much? "Besides, we've got that Northern Pack to deal with. Their Alpha sent over their 'demands'." I mock as I hand him the envelope.

He sighs, extending a claw to open it and takes out its contents. He looks exhausted, he actually looks like shit.

"You look like you could use a hug." I remark, his eyes leaving the paper in front of him to glare at me. "I'm just saying, as Beta it's my duty to help you." I shrug, opening my arms up for a hug that I know won't come. Xan isn't really the touchy type.

"Fuck off Louis." He rolls his eyes but I can see the small smile tugging at his lips. Ah, my work here is done. Right, where's the ice cream? I'm in the mood for some creamy goodness right about now.

Just as my hand reaches the door to open it, someone else shoves it open at the same time causing me scream and jump out the way, closely followed by smacking whoever it is on the head.

I close my eyes in fear, crossing my fingers while chanting 'Please don't be Blue, please don't be Blue'. Xan would literally rip my balls off if I touched her, let alone hit her.

"What the fuck Louis?" It's Harry. Thank god.

"You scared me!" I accuse.

"That doesn't matter, Xan the prisoner escaped." Harry turns to Xan who immediately shoots out of his chair. Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shitty shit shit.

"How?" Xan growls, his eyes beginning to glow with his wolf. The guy was the only one outside our little bubble who knew Blue was his mate. If anyone finds out, she's in serious danger and he's a dead man walking.

"Someone must've helped him, the guards were taken out and the keys were still in the door to his cell." Harry quickly runs through the scenario. Xan's growls get louder and angrier as Harry speaks.

"Louis, find Blue. Watch her." Xan orders me as he storms out the room with Harry.

"Sure, send your Beta to watch your mate." I mumble to my self, waving my arms in the air. I stomp up the stairs to her room, deciding not to knock since I can't be bothered.

"Blue?" I call when I spot the empty bed. Wait no, Mia is cuddled under the covers still.

"Blue?" I walk over to the bathroom and knock. No reply. I try the handle and it's unlocked. Would Xan kill me if I walked in on his mate in the bathroom? Probably. Am I going to do it? Yes. Why? Because he told me to watch her and I'm a good friend.

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