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AN: I can see almost all of you hate Alexander.

I'm trying to make him a bit of an asshole but a forgivable one. He's intended to be an idiot when it comes to Blue and humans and how to treat his mate. (Still not forgivable yet tho)

I'm so sorry my update is late. I've been a tad busy but I'll try get the next one out super quickly to make up for it.
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

I'm really confused. The whole world is spinning around me, the world shouldn't spin. It's supposed to stay still and not move. Why is it spinning?

I dizzily stumble through the long, endless corridor. My hand uses the wall to steady me while I breathe heavy in exhaustion. The air struggles to get into my lungs from how tight my throat is, the sob threatening to begin but I don't need to cry. I need to get the others to help me find Harry.

"Well where the fuck is she?!" His voice booms like a sonic bomb, shaking the entire corridor.

"I-I'm here!" My voice is hoarse but I hope they heard. They've got that super sense thing don't they. With the ears and the hearing or something.

"M'here!" I repeat, stumbling in the general direction of the voices. The world falls on its side and I feel myself hit the floor, my hand stinging from the harsh contact.

I close my eyes, hoping it will help with the dizziness. Yeah, I probably just need a lie down. I know lying down when you almost certainly have a concussion is not the best idea but I really want to. I just want the ache in my head to go.

"Blue!" I know that voice. I definitely know that voice. I don't get to reply before I'm being wrapped in two very comforting arms.

"I'm so glad you're safe." He nuzzles my cheek briefly, releasing a relieved breath. I don't get to revel in his embrace for long though since I'm pulled up to my feet and held at an arms length moments later.

"What happened?" His eyes scan me up and down in concern. The other boys come running up to us just behind him, all stopping when they see me.

"24 hours." I mutter, my hands shaking when I look at them. Shaking isn't good, that's usually a sign of shock. Am I in shock?

"24 hours? What's in 24 hours?" I don't know what's in 24 hours Alexander! You tell me because this is your fucking Pale problem, don't drag me into you and your father's dispute with Kimon who, I'm sorry, has a stupid name. Get a better name for a villain mate, honestly.

"Blue," his hand comes up to my cheek, gently moving my head up to look at him. He looks very concerned. "What happened? Where's Harry?"

"We went in the moving box, I didn't like it." I point to the doors at the other end of the corridor.

"Blue, where's Harry?" I'm getting there, calm down.

"Gone." Oh my god, they took Harry. They took him and now he's gone. Where have they taken him? What are they going to do to him?

"Gone where?" Louis urges impatiently.

"I don't know where!" I snap, glaring at him. "They just took him. Okay?"

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