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An: OH MY GOD!!! AHHHHHH! I've got 141 reads!!! I can't believe it, WOW!!! This is so many exclamation points! Thanks so much for reading mah book guys! Love you <3 Le update - Enjoy Xx


Why is it open? Why could it possibly be open?

I'm almost more scared than I was when the pales where here since this time I don't actually know if Mia is safe. I swear to god if the pales attacked but the wolves were too busy hunting me to save her I will literally kill them.

Probably an exaggeration since they are way stronger than I could ever be but the incentive is there.

I place my hand on the door and slowly push it open to reveal Mia sat at the table, opposite Harry, with a big smile on her face as she colours with her crayons.

"Mummy!" Mia smiles over at me.

"Hey baby. What're you doing there?" I ask as I slowly make my way over to her, noticing Ryan and that other wolf who grabbed my shoulder are also in the flat.

"Harry helped me draw a tree! Look!" She holds up the piece of paper for me to see.

"Wow, that's amazing baby." I smile at her and she nods, grabbing another colour and continuing to colour her drawing. "It's getting late, don't you think it's time you go get ready for bed?" I attempt to get her away from the wolves. I'm not entirely sure she knows whether they're wolves or not but if she did I know she'd be crying.

She is absolutely terrified of them.

"Okay." She sighs and jumps down from the chair with the drawing in her hand. "Here, you have it." She holds the picture up for Harry to take.

"Why thank you Mia." He smiles at her and takes the picture with a huge smile, "I will treasure it forever." He adds which only causes her to smile even bigger.

"Bye-bye Harry." She gives him a gentle hug, which he returns, before disappearing into her room for the night.

This is one of the few times where I hate that I taught her some meanders!

"What are you doing here?" I try and say in the nicest tone I can muster since they're still wolves and I know first hand what they do to humans if we disrespect them.

"Like I said before, you have to come with us." He repeats as I eye the other two wolves in the room, the one I kicked in the balls still holding them with one hand and clearly in pain considering the look on his face.

"Why?" I ask concerned.

"Let's just grab her." Ryan sighs in frustration causing me to back away from him in fear again.

"We aren't going to hurt you." Harry instantly reassures me and for some strange reason, maybe it's the look in his eye or the fact that he has saved my life twice, I believe him.

"Not like we could even if we wanted to." The third wolf mumbles causing me to give him a strange look.

"Look, I don't know who you think I am but you've definitely got the wrong person here." I back away from them all until my back hits a wall. Wait! Do walls have abs? Not going to lie, it would be weirdly cool if they did.

I quickly spin around just in time for a wolf to grab me and lift me up and over his shoulder.

"Get off me!" I pound on his back angrily even though he probably doesn't feel a thing. He starts to carry me out the room but I continue to scream, "Mia! Mia! Please! Harry! She has no one else! She'll die!" I plea in scared cries as I'm carried to the exit of the building. Just as I'm about to leave I see Harry nod his head at one of the wolves towards the bedroom and a slither of hope raises in my heart that Mia might be brought to me and safe.

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