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*smirks mischievously*

Told you it would be soon!
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

I'm sat in the kitchen eating the breakfast that Alex made for me, his plate is untouched on the table beside me. He's in his office taking an important phone call and had begged me to take my plate through with him but I did what they call, saying no.

"Morning." Louis chirps as he goes straight for the kettle to make himself a cup of tea.

"Morning." I greet, "I have a question." I muse, finishing off my toast.

"Shoot." He grabs the teabags out the cupboard.

"If a human has sex with a werewolf, is it considered beastiality." I inquire.

"Um..." he adds the sugar and spins around to lean against the side, "that depends."


"Well, are they in their wolf form?" He takes a sip of his tea.

"Uh..." I act as though this is a hypothetical, "no."

"Then I'd say no. It's a human dick." He shrugs.

"Aren't our dicks the same though in our wolf forms?" Luke asks as he enters the kitchen. I guess he picked up on our conversation.

"No," Louis scoffs, "they most certainly are not." A small smirk tugs at his lips.

"How would you know? Do you just go around looking at dicks?" Luke gives him a funny look as he opens the fridge to get some orange juice out.

"Ah, I forget not everyone's gay." Louis shrugs, looking up from his mug just in time to see Harry enter the room.

"Morning." Harry grumbles, rubbing his eyes with his hands.

"Wait, are you saying you've done it while shifted?" Luke asks, sounding gobsmacked.

"Yep, his ass is mine." Louis grabs Harry's ass.

"Not right now, I'll blow you later." He grumbles and I don't miss the huge bags under his eyes.

"Did you not sleep well?" I ask concerned. He looks shattered.

"Don't start." He takes a piece of bacon off Alex's plate as he waits for his toast to pop.

"His mum called him last night." Louis answers for me.

"She does not shut up." He complains making me laugh. "Reminds me, she's invited us to dinner tonight with Ben and Hayley." Ben is Harry's older brother and Hayley is his mate.

"What? She wants to meet me? No! Why? Can't do it! Too soon! Why? We've only known each other 24 years-"

"Louis, she already knows you," Harry rolls his eyes, "She just wants to have dinner. Relax." He begins to butter his toast. "Besides, you owe me."

"Why do I owe you?"

"Because I did that thing you wanted the other day with the belt and the dil-"

"Okay! Fine! I'll go." Louis interrupts him causing Harry to smirk with a little chuckle.

"I don't even wanna know." Luke shakes his head. I don't either, I'm petty sure it'll traumatise me. From the looks on their faces it must be something very wrong.

"Are you sure?" Louis teases and tilts his head at Luke, "You know what, I bet you're a cryer."

"What?" Luke looks appalled.

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