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I actually quite like this chapter.
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

There was another threat last night, lucky for me I must say. It's not good that there was another threat and I'm very much ashamed to say I was a bit relieved by it.

I only say this because Alex had promised we'd talk about what was said when we got back after the evening celebration. Fortunately, he had gotten word of Pales being spotted at the boarder and, after making sure I was back in his room, hurriedly disappeared to manage the commotion.

He only returned in the early hours of the morning. I was still awake, overthinking as I usually do. I can never turn my mind off, it never leaves me alone.

I can't stop the 'I love you' repeating itself over and over again in my mind, forming some sort of harmony with the imaginary Liam's words 'Don't trust them'.

I swear I'm senile at this point.

Alex climbed into the bed and wrapped his arm around me, holding me against him. I'm pretty sure he knew I was awake but he didn't say anything, only kissed the back of my head and left it there.

When I got up this morning he had left a note saying he had to go to his office to organise some Pack business for our Pack.

I know we need to talk but I'd rather put it off until after all this 'impending war' stuff is over. You know, get our priorities straight.

I'm sat on the grass outside the back door throwing a ball back and forth with Mia. She has to catch it with two hands to be able to hold it while I can do it with one.

"You're cheating!" She accuses.

"No I'm not, you just can't catch." I retort, bouncing the ball back to her but it flies right past.

"Hey! I wasn't ready, that's cheating." She runs after the ball that bounces away behind her.

"Doesn't matter, you're still on DONKE while I'm on DO." I call out to her.

"No! That was a bad throw. I'm only on DONK and you're on DON." She runs back with the ball.

"Okay, it was a bad throw. I'm on DON, you're on DONK." I hold my hands up in surrender, letting her have her way. She nods in victory, throwing the ball at me as hard as she can but I easily manage to catch it.

The game continues until she's messed up enough times to spell the word DONKEY and gets on her hands and knees to impersonate a donkey noise.

"I'll win next time." She takes the ball away from me while I lean back on my hands to bask in the summer sun.

In the distance you can hear the wolves training, preparing for the possibility of battle in the coming days. The hours have increased for all of them, even the boys are running around more. We've hardly seen them these past couple days.

"I'm hungry." Mia declares.

"Okay, lets get you some lunch yeah?" I ask, standing to my feet. She's already sprinting away to the backdoor, throwing the ball in a random direction once she gets into the building.

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