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I know I said I ended the book but I like your ideas for Extra chapters and I want you to read what interests you so I'm more than happy to write them.

Le Extra Update - Enjoy Xx

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Harry's PoV
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My car finally pulls up and my wolf howls in excitement as we spot Louis waiting at the door to the Pack House. Man have I missed him! I'm finally back from my little visit to Outpost 5.

My wolf urges me to run over to him but I reign him in, knowing we can't make a spectacle in front of the Pack. It's not me who has an issue with it, it's Louis. His parents are very traditional and, let's be honest here, a tad homophobic so he's scared to tell them.

Neither I nor my wolf have an quarrel with him keeping us all to himself, it makes us feel even more special. The sneaking around is exhilarating.

We know he will tell them one day and that he just needs to build up the courage to do so. I'm going to be by his side for life so if it takes that long to tell them, then I guess it'll take that long.

I hurry faster than usual over to his side, the two us us sharing massive smiles. He opens the door for me when I reach him, my steps halting when I see the mess in front of me.

"Again?" I turn to Louis with a sad frown.

"Don't worry. He's calm now." Louis reassures me, sending me one of his jaw dropping smiles. Fucking gorgeous.

I sigh, walking further into the house. It's no secret Xan has yet to find his true mate and his wolf is going out of control. Since he's an Alpha, his bond mate can't help reign in his wolf like a true mate can so he has these terrible episodes where his wolf manages to take over. They're not like a rage shift as such but they're a pain in the ass cost wise.

"Hi, you're back." Felicity greets us as we enter the kitchen, a sweet smile on her face. Drop the act honey, we both know you're as sour as a lemon.

"Yes, where's Xan?" I get right to the point. I need to give him my updates from Outpost 5 urgently. They're literally in ruins, I even had to stop a wolf from choking a girl out for no reason. I shouldn't have to do that because it shouldn't be happening!

"Xanny should be in his office, I'll show you." She beams, strolling past us towards the room, her hips swaying with each step. I'm pretty sure we know where his office is sweetie.

Louis turns to me with a dramatic eye roll, mouthing 'Wow'. I can't help but snicker as we follow closely behind.

She's dressed in a short denim skirt, the material so short on her that I can see her ass and, I may be an ass man but, I definitely don't want to see that.

She knocks on the door, "Xanny." She sings out to him inside.

"What?" He growls back, no amusement in his voice as she happily swings the door open and steps inside.

"Harry is back." She smiles at him, the two of us stepping in behind her.

She's made her way round to his side and he immediately closes the files beside him, continuing to type away on his computer. He's very private about his work, doesn't like anyone reading his files but him.

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