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AN: That's right! I'm back again! 175K reads!! Oh yeah!! Celebration!! Confetti!! Love you all!! Silent readers and non-silent (loud?) readers alike, love and appreciate everyone !!

Le Update - Enjoy Xx

My head bursts through the surface of the water, my lungs gasping for breath. Small blocks of ice float around me as I clamber towards the edge of the frozen lake.

I haul my body from the icy water, only to find myself lying in an even colder layer of snow. My entire body is frozen and I have hardly any feeling in my limbs as I trudge through the trees.

It's dark. So dark I can hardly see my hand in front of my face. It could be no blacker in a coffin, six feet under and piled with dirt. The trees are so dense and their canopy so thick that not even the moonlight is strong enough to shine through.

How did I get here? Where exactly is 'here'?

The snow is up to my ankles, my bare feet feeling like dead weight on the end of my numbing legs. I begin to breathe the cool air more rapidly, all my senses on high alert in the lonesome darkness.

There's a distant snap, my head whipping round rapidly in search of the sound's origin. My eyes are manic, searching the blackness in a frenzy to find the source of the sound.

After a few moments I decide it's better to continue my journey through the trees, believe that it's my mind playing tricks on me on the dark.

Then I hear it again.

This time it's much closer, causing a chill to run up my spine that I don't think was from the cold. When I spin around I'm met with two beady eyes glowing red from inside the darkness.

I don't stay around to get a look at the owner of these eyes, I just turn around and take off running in the opposite direction.

My clothes are weighing me down, my muscles aching and screaming at me to stop. My frozen joints move nowhere near as quickly as I need them to and even if they did, theres no way I could outrun these beasts.

There's a howl of enjoyment from the chase, calling in reinforcements to join the hunt. The sound of laws pounding against the undergrowth is all I can hear over my ragged breathing.

All of a sudden, a sharp burning pain radiates in the back of my leg. My whole body cripples to the ground, my leg unable to bear my weight as a result.

I manage to catch myself with my hands, keeping myself from head butting the ground. Sparing a quick glance behind me, the red eyes wolf is mere metres away and stalking towards me with a wolfish grin adorning it's features.

I make a futile attempt to run but come face to face with its pack, an equally large brown wolf snarling at me, as if daring me to try to escape.

I can feel the hot blood running down my leg to leave a red trail in the snow behind me as I limp away, refusing to give up so easily.

Slowly more and more wolves make an appearance, surrounding us until it's only me and the red eyed wolf left in their circle with no way out.

My heart races in my chest, the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I face the beast. It pads around the circumference of the circle, forcing me to do the same as it eyes me down.

It's claws kick up the earth with each step as a way to show off its strength. If it thinks it can intimidate me this way, it's right because I'm not longer just shaking because of the cold.

Running with WolvesWhere stories live. Discover now