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AN: I'm not sure what the fuck is going on with Wattpad but it seems to tell me I've got 0 reads on the last chapter but then there are votes and comments. Je suis très perplexe!

Sorry, this is a short (somewhat of a filler) chapter. It's going to get more interesting after this, just need to lead into it.

Anyway....Le Update - Enjoy X

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"Mia!" I beam happily, wrapping her tightly in my arms once again. We arrived back about 2 or so hours ago and I had hugged Mia then but I was still pretty frozen. I've spent the last hour and a bit warming myself up and finally getting feeling throughout my body once again, and I showered to wash away any memory of the last few days from my body.

"Blue!" She giggles, wiping away the kiss I just pressed to her cheek. "Stop being silly."

"I'm not being silly, I missed you."

"But you got back ages ago," she motions with her hands, "and Donna said she was going to watch me practice with Louis." She grabs her toast and slides off her chair, sassily walking away from me. "Don't wait up."

"Since when did she become a teenager?" I comment to nobody in particular. Well, I technically comment to no one since nobody else is around. I've been left stood alone in the kitchen.

"What do I do now?" Well, other than have a couple internal emotional break downs. Ah, I'm emotionally unstable. I would very much like to take a nap right now but I've already slept enough today. I still feel immensely guilty that Alexander had to carry my sleeping ass most of the way back earlier.

"Hey Blue." I whip around to see Luke's smiley face entering the kitchen. "Good to have you back." He pulls me into a hug which I gladly return. "How long do I hold it for?" He asks after a few moments.

"You can let go when we you want." I reply so he steps away.

"Those things still confuse me." He says as he heads to the fridge. It still shocks me to know that it's not actually part of their 'culture' to greet each other with a hug. It's pressing foreheads together or grasping forearms or patting each other's back while holding forearms. It makes sense but not really. They still hug but it's not really a common occurrence, like how frequently people would shake hands back home when meeting each other.

"You'll get used to them. It's like that forehead thing you guys do." He turns to me with a horrified look on his face.

"It's sexual?!" He gasps.

"What? No!" I laugh. "It's just embracing one another." I try to reassure the panic off his face. "Everyone does it, well most humans do it. It's like a way of reassuring the other person or comforting them...it's our way of showing affecting with one another."

"So if you made me a nice meal, would I hug you?" He asks as he pulls out a frying pan.

"If you wanted to." I shrug. "There aren't any rules about when you can and can't do it. Just don't do it when the other person says no."

"Gotcha." He clicks his tongue when I feel two hands rest on my hips, slowly sliding round to my stomach. I don't have to look to know it's Alex embracing me from behind, the electricity buzzing on my skin confirms it.

He's being weirdly affectionate lately and it's kind of freaking me out. I've never had anyone care about me or act the way he's acting towards me and it's scary but I can't deny the fact that it gets my heart racing in a good way. I lean back into his embrace, kind of liking it and how warm he is. I guess I'm still a bit chilly from what's happened. Before my mind can go wondering back to what happened yesterday, I try to distract myself with what Luke is doing.

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