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AN: As promised by the schedule I'm already failing to keep up with. (I'm sorry about that, I'm just new to this whole writing thing.) Le Update - Enjoy Xx

"Fucking cunt." I mumble angrily under my breath, closely followed by another string of curse words that has Louis snickering beside me.

I was woken up about...20 minutes ago. And you wanna know why? Because that fucking Alpha dickhead has me training at 4:30 in the morning. 4:30! That's not even a time yet it's so fucking early!

So here I am, trudging up a fucking hill at 4 fucking 30 in the morning. The grass is covered in dew and getting these trainers I found in the cupboard wet. I'm cold given that I'm only in a pair of leggings, sports bra and top since Louis told me to leave my jacket at the house and, more importantly, I'm exhausted.

"Oh stop complaining." Louis rolls his eyes at me. I know there's no point to it since I can't get out of this but it just makes me feel better getting my frustration out now.

"I have the right to complain." I grumble even though I know he's right.

"Whatever Blueberry." He rolls his eyes and I do the exact same when I hear his new and even more ridiculous nickname. He can't just stick to one nickname can he?

"Just up here is where you'll be training." He motions for me to follow him along a path through a slightly wooded area. I've gotta admit, even though these wolves are complete and utter assholes to the human race and shit, they've planted a shit tonne of trees and are probably combatting global warming or something.

Once we pass the trees we come to an open field filled with various pieces of training equipment; varying from weapons and targets to climbing large structures; combat rings to assault courses that disappear into the woods.

"This is one of our smaller training facilities for the younger warriors." Louis explains as a group of teenagers jog past us, all following behind a larger wolf. My eyes follow them into the field where I spot various other groups of wolves training, boys and girls alike, ranging from about 8 maybe 7 or 6 all the way up to late teens. I'm guessing the adults train on the other field with their Alpha in the mornings.

"Come on, we're gunna start with something easy." Louis leads me through the field where we, more specifically I, receive a series of glances. Not many look at Louis on account of him being a Beta but they all look at me with pity or confusion, probably because they know I'm a human.

"What's it to be?" I ask as we stop right by a group of kids, probably 11 or 12.

"You're gunna join them for their agility and stamina training." Louis points to the kids who are all watching Louis with big eyes.

"And I presume you'll be leading us?"

"Exactly, that way I kill 2 birds with one stone." He shrugs. I can only assume Louis trains these kids a lot since he goes around and greets them all with high fives or fist bumps. "Alright kids, this is my new student, Blue, and she'll be joining us for today's session." He introduces me to them all.

"But she's not like us." One of the boys points out with an accusing finger. Yeah, I'm twice your height shortie.

"I know she's not, silly." Louis shakes his head. "She's Alpha Black's friend so be nice." At the mention of their Alpha they all bow their heads and nod.

"Hi. I'm Lexi." A girl comes over and extends her hand for me to shake.

"Why hello there." I shake her hand which is weird since she's like 12. Her parents have definitely brought her up right.

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