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I'm just curious, do you guys like the length of the chapters or do you want them to be longer? Or shorter, I could write more shorter ones in a week if that's better? I dunno, I just don't wanna seem like a useless updating ass.

Le Update - Enjoy Xx

Do you ever have it when you think back over conversations or arguments and realise how stupid what you actually said was, wishing with all your heart that you could go back and change your answer or what you did? Yeah, me too.

I've been mulling over all the interactions I've ever had with Alexander, our first official introduction mostly and, I have no idea why, but I wish I had been more sassy with him rather than a scared bitch.

Like, when he said he wanted his pups to call me mum I should have said something more along the lines of 'why? They won't be mine' instead of 'pups?' in the pussiest of all pussy voices. Did I stutter when I answered him? Probably. Man, he must think I'm a wimp!

Want to know why I'm thinking about this? Because I have once again awoken in Alexander's room after having passed out and am once again regretting all my decisions that led to me ending up here in the first place.

My head is spinning slightly but it goes away pretty quickly. I shuffle back to lean against the headboard, my hand raising to rub my eyes but I freeze mid way there.

The burns.

They're gone.

Where did they go?

I furrow my brows, holding both my hands up to my face and spinning them around to get a better look. How are they healed? How are they not even red? Is it the light? I jump up and hurry towards his windows to get a clearer look but they're still not there.

I could have sword I had burns on my hands. I remember them being bright red and blistered all over my palms, they stung loads. I know for a fact I didn't imagine them.

The door behind me opens and I whip round to see Alexander walking in, his head scanning the room briefly once he sees I'm not in the bed. I hear a small sigh of relief when he spots me by the window. I eye him up and down, more specifically looking for his hands which I also remember had blisters on them.

"How are you feeling?" He asks as he walks towards me, holding out a bottle of water in his hand for me. I thank him and take a generous sip from the top, the cold soothing my scratchy throat.

"Fine...I could have sworn I had blisters."

"Your hands were just blotchy from the cold water." He shrugs but a little voice in me tells me he's lying to me.

"You're lying." I accuse. His eyes darken and a rumbling growl floods the room, his aura being sent out in powerful waves.

"I will not be accused of being a liar." He growls menacingly at me. Then don't be a liar and you won't be. I take a step away from him so that I'm not within arm length incase he decides to take another punch.

It's as if my actions physically hurt him when his entire face falls and his eyes watch me with a hurt expression. What? You think I'm just going to stand there and let you pummel me? No thank you, I've learnt from last time I was beaten by a wolf.

"Are you hungry?" He changes the topic making me frown.

"No." I clip, noticing the way his eyes stray from mine. From living with these wolves for nearly 2 months, I've learnt to tell when one of them is lying. Wolves value respect and honour over most other things, bowing their heads to their superiors out of respect and ensuring they keep their mouths shut if their opinion isn't needed. If only I had that kind of restraint. Most importantly, they have respect and honour drilled so far into them and their wolves that they can't look you in the eye if they're lying to you. So...

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