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I also feel like I should point out that this isn't going to be extremely explicit because it's their first time together and I fell like that's a pretty intimate thing between mates.

I was so nervous to publish this.

(Also, for those of you who are uncomfortable reading this kind of thing, there's a spark note summary at the bottom.)

Le Update - Enjoy Xx

I roll my eyes at my inner thoughts. Now really isn't the time to be caught up on technicalities that really aren't that relevant.

My hands make their way to the hem of his shirt, gliding over his taught chest underneath. My hands are much colder than his skin and have him flinching from my touch but he seems to understand my intentions when he breaks the kiss, both of us panting for air through swollen lips, and pulls his top over his head, discarding it somewhere else in the room.

I only get a few seconds to take in his bare chest before his lips are attached to mine again, slowly making their way back along my jaw once again. His lips alone have a burning desire swirling deep within me.

Is it wrong to be thankful that he's done this before and knows what he's doing?

His hands find their way under his jumper again, caressing my skin. Rolling my eyes at his hesitance, I pull the sleeves back down on my arms before pulling his jumper over my head to reveal my top underneath.

He watches as I throw it behind me, a lustful look in his blown out eyes. His hands toy with the bottom of his shirt that I'm wearing but when I think he's going to take it off he takes ahold of it in his fist, pulling them apart and ripping the shirt down the middle.

Okay, shit.

"On the pillows, sweetheart." He grabs my hips to help move me so that my head is resting on the pillows. His hands rest on my hips, toying with the hem of his tracksuit that I'm still wearing.

"Blue, are you sure?" He averts his gaze to my eyes, a serious look of his face. I hum in agreement, too eager for his touch to verbalise my answer right now.

"Words doll, use your words." He stops playing with the tracksuit as he waits for my answer.

"Yes, Alex. I'm sure." I rush out, watching the smirk on his face deepen until a single dimple pops into his cheek. Oh god, that look is going to kill me.

That's all the confirmation he needs to pull his tracksuit from my legs and throw it with the rest of our clothes. His hands press my knees apart and he slots himself between my legs, leaning back over me to capture my lips in yet another kiss.

My hands go straight to his hair, tugging the curls between my fingers that has him moaning into my mouth.

His hands are everywhere at once, roving around my entire body like they don't know where to begin. He teases his tongue into my mouth and I suck it eagerly, moaning at the euphoria as it dances with my own.

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