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AN: I'm back again! We're still quarantined.
Happy reading! Le Update - Enjoy Xx

The beast slams itself repeatedly into the the side of the car, like a deranged mad man. There's no rationality or method to its attack, it doesn't care if it's hurting itself or that it's injured. It only cares about hitting the car like a living wrecking ball.

"Out. We can't stay in the ca-" Alex doesn't even get to finish his sentence before the car is tipping over onto its side. I feel Alex wrapping himself around me, shielding me as the car goes tumbling along the undergrowth to the side of a hilly drop.

Why do we have to be in a mountainous area?

"Brace!" Alex shouts. The other wolves all assume a stable position in the upturned car as we get forced over the edge. My stomach drops, my eyes squeezing shut as tight as they can so I don't have to watch us fall.

The car flips so many times I became disoriented before my head crashes into the seat behind me, an obvious concussion that has me drifting in and out of consciousness.

I liked the unconsciousness over being awake. Because when I am awake I can taste the coppery blood pooling in my mouth. I can feel it grazing my teeth and soaking my tongue. I can feel the aching and cracks in my bones. Each crack feeling like rocks are burrowing into my skin. I suck in cramped air, feeling my lungs caving in on themselves.

My feet feel uneven beneath me as I stumble across the uneven ground like a drunken sailor on a rocky boat at sea. How did I get out here?

I see the spots in the corners of my vision, making my head feel like the only thing inside of it is static. I hear a buzzing noise, filling my ears but the distant sound of fighting is obvious.

"Blue." His voice echoes in my head, my eyes barely focusing as they roam around everything around me, my adrenaline pumping through my veins.

It's almost like an out of body experience, like I'm here but I'm not really aware of what's happening. Everything feels like I'm in some sort of movie, just sitting back in my chair and watching the events unfold before me.

"Blue." His face comes into my eye line and I pick out his distinct green ones. My whole body is discombobulated and I feel that distinct churn in my stomach telling me I might vomit.

"Blue, baby, you need to stay here." He tells me but I hardly process his words when I nod my head at him, too focused on trying not to vomit.

He helps me over to a big tree and rests me there before running off to fight. I hate this feeling in my stomach.

My feet wobble beneath me and I feel myself tumble to the ground, my hands and knees stinging under my weight but I pay it no mind when I throw up.

I'm really dizzy.

I wipe my mouth on the back of my sleeve, trying to blink away the spots in my vision. I really need to sit down and wait for the world around me to stop spinning faster than my brain can comprehend it.

My hearing eventually comes back to me and I am slowly becoming aware of the growls, cries and cracking bones of the fighting around me. I push myself back up to my feet.

I need to help.

The blood rushing to my head has it throbbing to the rhythm of my racing heart. I blink my eyes furiously, just in time to see a matted wolf aggressively slaughter one of the warriors that came with us.

A sticky substance hits me right in the face, staining my pale skin. The shock of it hitting me results in my body screaming in fear. I don't know if you can tell but I'm not aware of myself right now, my brain is struggling to comprehend even the simplest of things.

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