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An: Double Update because I am so EXCITED!!! Le update - Enjoy Xx

I find myself sat beside a lake. The grass dances delicately around me, gently brushing against my legs as I look at the still water.

Look into the water.

I do as the melodic voice instructs and as I peer into the water I see me. No bruises or cuts. Just me. My bland blue eyes tiredly gaze into themselves in the reflection of the water.

"What's so special?" I ask with a frown.

You look but you do not see.

I continue to stare into the the water, a confused face looking back at me. I move my head slightly and, as expected, the reflection does the same. It's my reflection, what don't I see?

When you see you will finally understand.

"Understand what?" I ask even more confused than ever. I sigh as I stare at myself. I notice a leaf floating in the water so I reach my hand in to remove it when I feel a sudden jolt of electricity up my arm and around my body. What the..?

"She's stable." A woman's voice states and I try to pry my eyes open but it takes too much energy. Instead I go to try and open my mouth to speak but I get even less of a result than before. I decide to try and move anything, I try and flail my body around but, again, nothing happens.

"Her finger's moving, she's conscious." The same woman states and suddenly I feel a large, soft hand grab my significantly smaller one. A sudden warmth overcomes my hand and spreads all around my body, filling me with a form of heat, similar to the burning sensation I felt on my way to work. I have an urge to rip my hand from the touch, the unfamiliar feeling scaring me.

It doesn't burn, in fact it...it's nice. I slowly begin to enjoy the feeling that's coming as a result of the touch. I almost want more, want to be held by whoever it is holding my hand and caressing my knuckles with their thumb. My brain starts to go fuzzy at the feeling coming from the hand and I don't like it.

The constant beeping that echoes in my mind suddenly starts to increase, becoming more frequent.

"Well, she's definitely responding positively to her mate." The same lady's voice says and I hear a deep chuckle. My heart flutters at the sound of the voice and I crave to hear it talk. Please say something else. Anything else!

"Good." The husky voice vibrates through me and, if I could actually feel my face, I'd be smiling. Wait, I don't think I picked up on the right part of the conversation.

I'm responding positively to my WHAT?!

The beeping only gets faster and faster and I can feel my heart hammering in my chest. Try that for 'positive' response. Why am I making jokes about my life?

"What's going on?" The beautiful, deep voice asks in panic, the pain in his voice only making me want to wrap my arms around the owner.

"She is lacking a lot of nutrients, she's still slightly unstable." The female voice explains as I feel something pierce my arm and a cool liquid flow into my sweating body, feeling like ice in my veins. The beeping slowly returns to normal and with it, darkness overcomes me.

The beeping is the first thing I hear again. My mind finally able to ask the right questions like; Where am I? Why am I here? Where's Mia? Is she safe? Am I safe? How long have I been like this?

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