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Le Update - Enjoy Xx

Am I really going to do this?

No, I'm not. It's stupid really, why am I even considering this? Unless, maybe I should? I toy with the object in my jumper pocket. No, maybe I should put it back?

I walk back and forth at the door, pacing from left to right whilst weighing up my options here. I groan in frustration, having no idea what to do with myself.

"You know the door's a pull, it's not that hard." Louis teases, reaching round me to grab the handle and open it for me.

"I-I know." I nod quickly. "Thanks." I send him a quick smile as I walk into the room, Louis following close behind me.

"Xan?" Louis calls out once the door closes, Alex emerging a few seconds later in a pair of sweatpants and nothing else, "We've got guards posted all around the building and I've doubled the patrol."


"What, no 'thanks Louis'? No hug? No 'you're the greatest Beta to ever walk the Earth and I'd be nothing without you'?" Louis looks offended but Alex looks pissed off.

"You're welcome." Alex says instead, confusing the hell out of both of us.

"For what?" Louis asks the question that's on both of our minds.

"Not punching you in the face in front of Blue." He reaches out and pulls me towards him, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Ugh, you're always so mean to me." Louis grumbles and turns to leave, "We used to hug all the time until you found your mate, now you've replaced me for her sweet ass-"

"Louis!" Alex is already throwing something across the room, hitting Louis right in the back of the head. I cover my mouth to hide my laugh at the appalled look on Louis' face when he turns back round.

"Fuck dude!" He grabs his head. "What was that for? We all know I'm an ass man." He defends making me laugh again. He exits the room and is just about to close the door behind him when he peeks his head back in to add, "Blue, you've still got a sweet ass though."

Alex growls at him once again, throwing something else from the spare room at the door. You can hear Louis' manic laugh as he runs down the corridor. Alex settles for nuzzling himself against my neck, pressing a row of kisses on the exposed skin.

"Mine." It almost sounds as though he whimpers the word, "My mate." I can't deny the fact that I enjoy these little moments. He becomes like this little kid who's hugging his favourite teddybear and has written his name on their foot like in that Toy Story movie.

It turns out it wasn't a scary movie about toys coming to life to hurt their owner, who knew? We did end up watch the whole set in the end and I think they're my favourite.

We climb into the bed, me cuddled up to Alex's side incase someone else is in here like they were in his room. We're in one of the spear rooms this house has got on the second floor while Alex's remains locked. I don't think I'll ever be able to go in that room again.

I had briefly suggested the idea that I share with Mia but Mia had claimed, and I quote, 'I'm a big girl now! I don't need a babysitter.' before sticking her tongue out at me and sauntering away upstairs. Alex had also protested the idea, saying he wants to be able to keep an eye on me but I know he just wants to cuddle.

He's my little cuddle buddy now.

I listen to his steadying heartbeat, his breaths becoming slower and more even as he falls asleep. I know he's exhausted because he didn't sleep at all last night. I'm guessing that's why he's been in a shitty mood all day and was overly snappy at the other Alphas.

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