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AN: This chapter was getting pretty long and it was going to take me another day or so to write so I decided to cut it off so I can get some chapters out. I'm excited for this next bit!
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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"Alex!" I scream, "No! Stay awake! Stay with me!" I cradle Liam's head on my lap. The blood pools around his body, seeping into my clothes and staining my hand that is attempting to put pressure on his fatal wound.

"Someone! Anybody!" My voice scratches my throat as I scream at the top of my lungs. I'm not going to let another person die in front of me. Not again!

There's a malicious chuckle from the shadow a few metres from us. "No one can hear you." His voice is deep and threatening. "They're all too busy fighting my children." I look up to see who's there but all I can make out is the darkness of the shadow.

Liam releases yet another groan of pain and my eyes immediately shoot to him. "You're gunna be okay Liam, you're gunna be fine." I move to place my hand on his cheek, patting it slightly to keep his consciousness. "Look at me, just look at me."

"It's going to be too late." The voice taunts, singing the last word at me.

"No it's not! He's going to be fine!" I fire back angrily, my heart drumming like a base drum in my chest. "You hear me Liam, you're going to be okay." I attempt to reassure him. I push my hand harder against the wound, hoping his accelerated healing will kick in and make him okay. He has to be okay.

"PLEASE! SOMEONE! HELP!" I cry out until my lungs burn. I bite back a sob, knowing I need to be the strong one.

"Just like in those woods, they didn't hear you then and they won't now." My head shoots up when he says that, allowing me to see his pale features slowly emerge from the abyss. A gentle gasp leave my lips.


***72 hours earlier***

"Their Uncle is going to be there in a week." Liam says whilst ending the phone call from the front seat. It still amazes me how something so small, like a mini box, can do something so amazing.

"Good." Alexander nods. I still feel guilty about leaving them. They're both so fragile and even though Mia and Nick are getting along well, I feel horrible for leaving them under these circumstances. They need someone to be there for them right now and I feel responsible for them, like it's my job to be there and not Luke or Teddy.

However, there was no way I was going to let Alexander go to Outpost 5 alone and allow Sebastian to bullshit him. If he's going to visit the Outpost then I'm going to make damn sure he sees it for what it really is.

Mia had asked to come, I'm not sure why, but Alexander 'forbade' it. Even though he's an asshole, I agree that she shouldn't come back to the Outpost. I spent hours debating the idea of bringing her with us, using it as a way to escape with Mia but Alexander has made it very clear that he'd hunt us down if I tried to escape with Mia.

Even if I did find a way for me and Mia to disappear in the Outpost we're still stuck within the walls. One quick sweep of the Outpost and he'd find us and I can't risk the punishment that we would undoubtedly receive. I will never do anything that could risk Mia being harmed in any way.

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