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AN: My updating has gone downhill lately since I'm back to online classes everyday and have been overwhelmed with work since I was supposed to be doing exams but they've been postponed to next year. Its all a hectic mess at the moment.

I had also originally written this chapter and it was shit! And I mean SERIOUSLY shit. I hated how it turned out and spent like a day trying to rework it.

Sorry it's been a few days. I'm going to keep trying to post one every 1-2 days as best I can but bare with me. Thanks!
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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The journey back to the Capitol is silent. Alex and I are sat in the back while Dom drives. Louis is in the car in front with Harry and the one behind is transporting Liam back. Sebastian is detained by silver chains in an armoured truck type car between ours and the back car. I think they gave him some sort of drug as well but I didn't ask.

I refused to travel when it was still dark so we left at the crack of dawn and are, according to Dom, only a few hours away.

There's a tense atmosphere in the car, Alexander's anger having only gotten worse since yesterday. When we had returned to the room after talking to Harry, Alexander had, unsurprisingly, punched the wall.

From the moment we entered the room again he was on a rollercoaster of emotions, all starting when he slammed the door.

We step into the room but my steps halt when I hear the door slam powerfully behind me. I listen to his footsteps as they approach, nervous butterflies erupting in my stomach at what's about to go down.

Is he going to shout? Is he going to get angry?

I've learnt how possessive wolves get over their mate, Alexander especially. He won't even let some wolves look at me, I have no idea how he's going to react to what he's found out.

I can't even replay the memories in my head without wanting to vomit.

I've locked those memories away, hoping that leaving them in the deepest and darkest pits of my mind will mean they don't exist. I guess not.

To my complete surprise his arms snake around my waist from behind, his head resting on top of mine. I can feel the warmth of his body pressing against my back.

Okay, what's going on?

I was preparing myself for an argument or a raging Alpha but here he is, holding me? Who are you and what have you done with Alexander Black?

"What are you thinking?" I whisper, my nerves probably making me more anxious than I need to be.

"Hmm." He hums, moving his head down to my shoulder, "I'm thinking of all the ways I will hurt Sebastian, all the ways I will cause him excruciating pain and make him suffer." He turns his head to the side to face my neck so that I can feel his hot breath on my skin.

"I'm going to make him suffer like every single person he took down there," he grounds out, "make him feel exactly what they felt when he took it upon himself to destroy their lives."

I can feel his chest rumbling behind me with his growl. His grip tightens on me causing me to flinch ever so slightly even though he's not hurting me.

"Mate hurt," I hear him whimper, "Make mate happy." I recognise the distinct voice of his wolf. When I turn to look at him I see his eyes are once again glowing their bright yellow. "Why mate not happy?"

Don't open that door.

"I make mate happy?" His eyebrows both raise in question, a hopeful look in his eyes. There's a sort of childlike innocence in his wolf, a little pout playing at his lips.

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