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AN: Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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"Sebastian is back."

I sat frozen on his desk, my whole body seizing up. Could today possibly get any worse? I mean honestly, what hadn't happened today? I swear a UFO could crash land outside this window and it wouldn't even phase me anymore.

"Send him in." Alex orders while stepping away from me so I can jump off his desk.

"So..." Louis smirks, leaning in the doorway with his arms crossed, "interrupt something did I?"

I feel the blush running up my neck and cheeks, feeling embarrassed that he caught us kissing again. Why does he always walk in at the worst possible times?

We are both breathing slightly heavily, his hair is unruly from my fingers and his lips are swollen from our kissing. I'm sure I looked just as flushed as he does.

"Shut up, Louis." Alex growls.

"Okay, okay," Louis holds his hands up defensively, "just let a guy know if you start fucking in here. I really don't need to walk in on that."

I groan in embarrassment, hiding my face behind my hands while Alex growls at him again. I really want to tell him not to worry since that will never happen but I'm not about to say that. It's uncomfortable.

"Then don't walk in." I conclude making him smirk even more.

"Hypothetically, if I hadn't-"

"No." Alex interrupts him very quickly.

"Not even a little?" He pouts like a little kid.


"Aw, but I want to be an Uncle!" He whines making my eyes widen. I swear he would be stamping his foot on the ground in a mini tantrum if he wasn't Beta. Uncle?

"Teddy's about to have a pup." Alex reminds him.

"I know but he won't let me hold his pup when it's born. He says I'm 'irresponsible' and 'careless'." Louis air quotes making me chuckle as I think back over all the times Teddy is right. "I'm the Beta, of course I'm responsible." He defends while accidentally slipping off the wall and knocking Alex's filing cabinet so a paperweight falls off and breaks. I can tell this has pissed Alex off.

"Okay, I never said I wasn't careless!" He defends as he picks up the broken pieces and chucks them in the bin near him. I can feel Alex's irritation in the bottom of my stomach.

While he does that I bring my hand up to try and organise Alex's hair so that it's not a mess on his head. A few rebellious curls have fallen over his forehead into his eyes while the rest stands on end on his head.

He hums, closing his eyes as my fingers run through his hair. My fingers brush against his forehead as I collect the curls and push them back onto his head. His head tilts back from my touch and a small smile rises on my face at the sight.

"Awwwww." Louis remarks making his eyes shoot open and my hand flinch back away from his hair. We turn to see Louis stood off to the side with his hands shaped in a heart in front of him and looking through them at us.

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