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AN: Okay, so I've decided to try and implement myself an updating schedule. I plan on updating every Friday and then either Sunday or Monday depending on whether or not I can finish the chapter over the weekend or not.

I'm updating this early so I can try edit and get another in before the weekend since I am SUPER busy this weekend. I hope you enjoy the chapter!!

Le Update - Enjoy Xx

"Come on!" Mia grabs my hand and drags me down the stairs, my hair still wet from the shower.

"I'm coming. What's going on?" I laugh at her eagerness.

"Liam said we might be able to go outside today!" She beams happily. "I will get to see real grass and real trees, oh! And he even said there might be flowers!" She squeals in pure joy.

In the Outpost you don't get to see any of those. There's no grass, only hard and cracked mud. All the flowers have died and the trees burned for warmth. It's like a wasteland yet we humans are forced to live there like parasites that just don't seem to die.

"Real flowers?" I gasp, playing along with her excitement.

"Yeah!" She nods her head up and down. We reach the bottom of the stairs but she continues to drag me through the house to the kitchen, her bare feet padding noisily against the hard floors.

"Liam!" She releases my hand the second she sees him and runs over to him as he exits Alpha Black's office. His face is hard and it looks as though he's just had a very serious meeting but the second he hears Mia's little voice he smiles.

"Mia!" He bends down and scoops her frame into his arms.

Unsurprisingly, Mia has been growing a lot more since we got here. She's about 3 or so inches taller and there's some muscle and fat on her body now. She eats three large meals a day and is starting to act more like a 6 year old should. I'm happy to see her actually living rather than just surviving.

Me? I'm still struggling to finish my bowls, even with the smaller portions I've been recommended by Natalie, but I'm okay. My stomach has filled out again at least and my ribs are no longer texturising my pale skin.

"How are you?" He asks, sitting her on his hip.

"I'm good." She smiles at him, her bunny teeth on show as she does. "Can we go outside now?" She impatiently bounces up and down in his arms, bursting with excitement. I've never seen her so excited before.

Liam chuckles at her, swinging her side to side. "Have you eaten yet?" He checks.

"Yeah." She nods with her eyes diverting to the floor, a knowing tell that she's lying.

"Have you?" He raises an eyebrow at us.

"No." She admits. "But I don't need to."

"Come on Mimi, breakfast is the most important meal of the day." He reasons with her. She gives in with a sigh making me chuckle at her defeated form, completely collapsed in Liam's arms.

I join them in the kitchen where Dominic is sat in the corner, dressed in all black and glaring at his eggs, all doom and gloom. I swear, he is exactly how I would imagine the villain would look like in all Disney movies. He's just got this scary aura around him that always makes me tense and gives me the heebie-jeebies.

"What's it to be?" Liam asks as we sit down, Mia sat cross legged on the island.

"Chocolate." Mia deviously grins.

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