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AN: It's late, I know. Don't hate me.
Le Update - Enjoy Xx

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Telling Harry wasn't easy. I wasn't even the one to say it out loud but hearing those three simple words made it so real, made it so much more painful.

"Liam is dead." Dom had told him and it's like a fresh wave of emotion hit me all over again.

I sobbed into Alex's chest until the sun rose, at which point I began to nod off from being awake all night. I would have fallen asleep too if it wasn't for the aching hole in my chest that rips away part of my soul with every measly heartbeat.

The newly pronounced couple had made their way to the infirmary after Harry's initial shock at the news. He had cried in Louis' arms for a while before they went.

And then there was Dom. His facial expression was so stoic, so emotionless and hard but his eyes, well his eyes were so full of emotion I don't know where to start listing them off.

I attempted to comfort him but he wouldn't accept it, storming off through the Outpost moments later.

As for Alex, once the sun had risen be escorted me back through the Wall to our 'room' since nothing was really destroyed in the attack last night.

It appeared like I would never stop crying, the tears never ending. The second the door closed though, I heard Alex sniffle and found that he too was crying.

It broke my heart even more just seeing him like this, my arms wrapping around him in order to comfort him the same way he had done with me.

He led me to the bathroom, taking a towel and wetting it under the sink with his other hand holding my wrist. He began to wash away the blood, Liam's blood. His blood that is on my hands.

He had offered to help me wash myself and my brain was too numb to fully process and understand what it was he meant by that.

He helped me into just my underwear and gave me a hand stepping into the already running shower. It was hot against my skin, scalding almost, but I refused to change it. The water hit me like a burning rain.

He stepped in moments later, still wearing his boxers, and simply held me. And that brings us to now, my arms cling to him under the water, my tears mixing with the water from the shower, as I sob against his chest.

I know he is crying too, I can hear his shaky, uneven breaths.

I already miss him so much. Every single memory I have of him playing through my head like a bittersweet compilation of all his best moments.

I know all I'm doing is making myself cry harder, that's all memories do. They make you regret the smallest things you did, playing over every interaction you ever had and making you feel worse about yourself.

"Shh." He whispers, "I'm here."


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