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Le Update - Enjoy Xxx

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Blue's PoV
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I roll over onto my side but find it empty and cold meaning he's been up for a while. The distant sound of feet running outside and the obvious indication of guards tells me something's happened.

I roll out of bed, slipping on a pair of trainers before I head downstairs. Mia is happily sat in the kitchen eating breakfast with Donna and I go give her a morning hug on my way to the backdoor.

When I walk out I see numerous different groups of wolves rushing around together, obviously under orders. They all seem to be coming from the training grounds so I assume that's where Alex is.

I head in that direction and, as predicted, he's in the field, stood over a table with Harry. He seems to perk up when I walk through the trees and turns around to smile at me as I approach.

His eyes shamelessly run over my body and I'm ashamed to say I blushed as red as a fire truck.

"Good morning, baby," Once close enough he pulls me into his side and I wrap my arms around him, "How'd you sleep?"

"Alright, but my pillow seemed to have wondered off before I woke up." I pout and rest my chin against his chest to look at him. His dimple pops into his left cheek from his smile as he leans down to kiss me only for someone to start gagging behind us.

"I love that you guys are mated and all but I really really don't want to see that." Harry remarks making me roll my eyes. Fucking hypocrite. I'm pretty sure he'd shag Louis in the middle of the field and not give two shits.

"Did you sleep at all?" I decide to ask instead and peer at the documents on the table. They're similar to the maps of the territory I saw the other week only this time they've got various markings all over the front.

"I got enough." He answers making me frown. He's hardly slept at all this past week.

"So, what's all this for?" I ask, moving to get a better look at the papers in front of us on the table.

"Leander and his men were spotted about 2 kilometres from the boarder this morning with Kimon's coven." Alex answers in a more serious tone.

"We think they're going to attack at nightfall." Harry adds and I think my jaw visibly dropped. I'm not sure if it's because I'm shocked, scared or a little bit of both but I'm very unsettled.

I knew there was the possibility of this happening but I never fully grasped the concept of an actual war until just now. I never totally comprehended what could happen until it's literally right in front of me.

Oh my god! There's going to be a war. There's going to be fighting. People are going to die. Shit! People are going to die!

"Don't worry." Alex places his hand on my shoulder, "I won't let anything happen to you, or Mia." The adding of Mia to that statement literally makes my heart melt.

"What's the uh...what's the strategy?" I hope that knowing what's going to happen and seeing how good Harry really is at being the War General might distract me from the impending 'doom' as you might put it.

Harry looks a bit taken back by my question but one glance to Alex is all it took to explain their plan. They've got patrol and guards surrounding every boarder, focusing mostly at the North where Leander was spotted.

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