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Hey!!!! This is Nikki! Thanks so much for reading!!! I can't believe you actually enjoy this book! If u have any ideas, they're all welcome. Tell me what ya think!
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My eyes flutter open to find myself alone in a white bed. The walls around me are all white and I'm no longer in my uniform but a perfect white dress. My heart starts to race at the lack of Mia being beside me.

"Wha-what's going on?" I stutter confused as I slide my feet over the side of the bed and place them on the cold tiled floor. I continue to look around the white room and spot a door handle. I make my way over, the sound of my feet on the tiles being the only thing I can hear over the silent ringing in my ears. I place my hand on the handle and suddenly hear a lock clicking.

I make a very confused face as I swing the door open to reveal a forest. I peer out of the room only to hear a door slam and when I turn around there's no longer a door but more forest behind me. My eyes scan where I am and my heart drops. Where am I?

"Hello?" I call yet there's no answer.

I try again.

No answer.


No answer.

Instead I start to try and find my way through the forest. I place one foot in front of me, then the next and the next and so on and so forth. My eyes scan the pitch black forest, the only light coming from the moon's rays that shimmer through the canopy of trees.

"Help!" I hear Mia's voice and instantly take off in that direction.

"Mia! Mia!" I shout as I sprint through the forest to find her. Random twigs and branches slash at the bottoms of my feet and arms but I ignore any pain as I try and find my sister.

"Blue!" The voice screams and I freeze in my tracks in the middle of a clearing. That's not Mia. She's never called me Blue before.

Well done my child.

"Who's there?" I do a large spin in a circle but find no one. "Where am I?" I panic.

Be calm my child. You are safe.

"Tell me where I am! Where's Mia?" I shout at whoever it is.

All will be clear soon my child. Rest. You need your energy.

"Who are you?!" I shout in fear as the voice echoes in my head. And just like it came it was gone, disappearing into the deep dark depths of the forest.

My eyes shoot open and I sit straight up to find myself still sat in the kitchen. My heart races in my chest and I sprint to find Mia, I burst into her room only to find her sound asleep in the corner. Thank god!

I return to the kitchen and clean away all the blood as to not scare Mia when she wakes up. I throw the glass shards away before tending to my arm. I head to the bathroom and slowly peel back the bloody bandages to hold it up to the mirror but they're gone. Well, not entirely but there's now only a few deep cuts rather than the shredded skin that was there last night.

My mouth gapes at the sight and I run my fingers gently over it only to find my hand has a small gash from where I ripped the glass out. I quickly turn on the tap and wash the cuts, briefly splashing my face in case I was going crazy and seeing things again.

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