Chapter 66.

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Amber's POV.

Right now we are all outside getting ready to say goodbye to my parents as they get ready to leave to go see John at Alpha Grace's pack.

Dad must have had a good talk with Connor because he seemed to be completely calm and smiled at me. I smiled back and we helped my parents pack up for their trip after we had cleaned up first.

Rebecca gave them each a big hug and talked to them in their minds. " We will visit for one more day on our way back to our own pack. I promise. " said my mother.

She grinned and gave them each a cookie she decorated. Along with a box with sandwiches in it that she has helped me make for them. They thanked her and we gave each other hugs.

" I love you guys. Stay safe and tell John I said hi. " I said.

" We will be. We love you so much Amber. Keep doing what you're doing. " said my mother.

" I am so proud of you. " said my father.

I grin and we watch as they use our stalls to shift and we attached a small wagon to my fathers wolf before placing the cement step stone we made with our paw prints in it in the back and secured it.

Rebecca having never seen one of us transform into a werewolf before was staring in complete shock and wonder. She walked forward and my father laid down so she could pet his fur.

She was hesitant but grinned widely as she felt how soft his fur was. They talked to each other through their minds before I said bye to them and we watched as they left and disappeared into the trees.

Rebecca looked at me and smiled. ' Are you able to turn into a wolf like that?' She asked me.

" Yes, both of us can. " I tell her.

' What colors are your wolves?' She asked in joy.

" Mine is a solid white wolf. Connor's is gray with different shades of grey and some brown. " I tell her as I shared the memory of Connor's wolf with her.

She looked at Connor. Her eyes glowed and then he laughed. " I suppose I do look cool. " said Connor.

I laughed a little and then we went back inside to rest. We ended up showing her what a tv was and she was so tuckered out that she ended up falling asleep in the beam by chair upstairs.

I stood up to clean up everything we were using when Connor stood up and moved everything from my hands and set it to the side. I looked at him confused.

He then took my hands in his and looked me in the eyes. " I'm sorry I haven't been the mate you've needed lately. " he said.

I open my mouth to speak but he holds his hand up for me to stop and I do. " You've done so much for me during these past few weeks since you rescued me. Yet I've only pushed you away and not been there for you when you needed the help. I let you do it on your own and I shouldn't have. I should have been the person you needed, the mate you needed. I am so very sorry for not being the one you need." Said Connor.

My eyes widened. " I want to change and I want to do it for you. I'm not going to heal overnight and I know now that what I needed wasn't space. It was you. Amber, I'm ready to take my place by your side as Alpha. " said Connor.

My eyes widen even more. A warm feeling spreads through my chest at his words. " Do you really mean it?" I ask.

He smiles. " I mean every word I'm saying. I want to be the person you need. I am going to be as devoted to you as you are to me from now on. I love you Amber and I was to run this pack with you. I want to help take the load of this pack off your shoulders and let you be the one to rest for once. I'm ready to be Alpha." Said Connor.

I smile and can't help myself. I lunge forward and connect my lips with his. He laughs and kisses me back right away.

" I love you so much Connor. Having you by my side means the world to me. Thank you. " I tell him.

" You have been so potent with me and so very kind and loving despite me wanting to be by myself a lot. I want you to know, I'm not angry with what you had to do with my father. I understand you had to put the pack first in this instance. I completely understand and I'm not angry at you. I support your decision fully. " said Connor.

" You have no idea how much this means to me. " I said.

" So where do we start?" Said Connor.

" We go pull your father in for interrogation and talk to him on what the next course of action to take will be. " I said.

" Works for me. Do you think we should take Rebecca to a bed?" Asked Connor.

" It would be better if we keep her here. Speaking of her, what would you say if we were to adopt her for our own?" I ask.

" I've already fallen for her. If she agrees and says yes then we can, but what if her mother is still alive and wants her back?" Asked Connor.

" Then we are to respect whatever decision Rebecca makes. If she wants us to be her parents then we will do what we can and support her either way, but if her mother happens to be alive and we save her and Rebecca shows interest in wanting her real mother back then I will fully support it. " I said.

" Then I will support it as well. Whatever Rebecca decides. " said Connor.

" I think it may be too early for us to mention adopting her to her. Let's express more attention to her first and allow her to make the first move. If she suddenly calls one of us mom or dad we will then approach the subject. Until then we just be what she needs. " I said.

" That sounds good to me. " said Connor.

I smiled at him and we sit around Rebecca and continue to watch the movie.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed. The next chapter is in John's POV. Until then enjoy :-)

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