Chapter 107.

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John's POV.

( Trigger warning. This chapter will be discussing very sensitive topics, such as self harming or implying something worse. If any of this triggers you I will be putting up •*•*•*• to let you know when that part starts and when it ends for those of you who wish to skip over it. It's nothing bad. I assure you. Just a warning. )

Ok, so now I have met with all the therapists and it is time for the last test. I will meet with both of them at the same time to see if they get jealous or talk over each other in any way. The one who's the most professional and puts my needs above everything else will be my new therapist.

I leave the room I met with them in and head to the room my parents and Alpha Grace are in. When I walk in they look over at me with expectant eyes.

" So, how did it go? " said my mother.

" It went well. They are both very professional and we're very thoughtful and considerate concerning my injury. They each were very different too. Different personalities and stories and different methods for introducing themselves to someone new. It showed me a lot. " I said.

" That's great. Who are you secretly rooting for?" Asked my father.

I chuckled. " No one just yet. I need to see how they work with this last meeting before I even begin to decide. " I said.

" Well they are already sitting in the room waiting for you. Would you like one of us with you as a mediator just in case?" Asked Alpha Grace.

A mediator would be good. I looked at my mother. " If moms ok with it, I'd like her to mediate the meeting. " I said.

She brightened. " I would be honored. " she said.

" Then let's do this. " I said.

She grinned and the two of us left and entered the next room where the two therapists sat and were talking politely with each other. They looked over when they saw us and all conversation stopped.

" Hello, I know we've met John, but who might you be? " asked Penelope as she stood up and offered her hand.

Jasmine following suit. They each shook my mothers hand. " This is my mother, Natalie. I brought her in as a mediator in case we happen to need one. So she will be overseeing this meeting. " I said.

" Brilliant idea John. I'm Jasmine. It's so nice to meet you. " said Jasmine.

" I'm Penelope. Now that you said your related I can see that his eyes are yours. " said Penelope.

" Thank you. It's so nice to meet you too. You should see how much he takes after my mate. He's almost an exact copy of how Rick looked when he was younger. " said my mother.

I smile at her. She then turned to me. " I'll go sit over there. You guys enjoy your meeting and if you need anything. I wouldn't mind grabbing it for you. " said my mother.

" Thanks mom. " I said.

She went to the side of the room and sat in a chair. I went and motioned for the two therapists to take a seat at the same table, across from me.

They did so and then I took my seat. " So, it was a pleasure getting to know you two for the short time that we talked. You are both very good at what you do. I can tell by how you handled everything when we talked. I want to see though, how you would act being out on the spot. So Penelope, if I were to have a panic attack during a meeting, what would be the first thing you would do?" I ask her.

Her eyes widened a fraction, not expecting the sudden questioning. She quickly snapped out of it and gave her answer. " I would assess that a panic attack is what you are having so I know the right way to help you. Then I would go through my check list I have conducted over the years of how to help people breathe and relax during an attack so they don't start to hyperventilate. " she said.

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