Chapter 109.

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Alpha Conan's POV.

Amber and Tasha joined us later. The two of them had their arms intertwined and were smiling and giggling like little school girls. Just the sight of them so relaxed was enough to make everyone in the room smile.

Pamela seemed more at ease then she has been the past few days. I've noticed since I got back from the prison that she's been keeping a close eye on both Connor and Amber. She barely lets them out of his sight.

Amber and Tasha parted and went to their mates. Amber right away looked at Rebecca who was grinning at her. Amber sat down and Rebecca immediately climbed into her lap and a conversation started between the two of them.

Tasha was hugging Clayton and seemed very happy. I looked at Connor as he walked up to me. " When the coast is finally clear and we can get back to work, Amber mentioned that she wants us to go and get the humans ready for transport. " said Connor.

" I can definitely help with that. " I said.

Connor smiled. " You know, I don't remember much on how you were and how you acted when I was a kid, but right now I just have this feeling that mom would be proud of the man you've become. " said Connor.

That felt like a shot to the heart when he mentioned his mother. " Do you remember her?" I asked.

" I've had a few vague memories of her. Her singing to me when I was scared or letting me cuddle with her in the bed if I had a bad dream or it was just the two of us. " said Connor.

I smiled brightly. Those were things she did for him when he was little. He grew out of coming to us for bad dreams when he was ten but she never stopped cuddling him. She loved him so much.

" Do you really think she would be proud of me? I've done a lot of bad in my life and I'm only now changing. " I said. I know it's not something I should be asking my son to assure me on but I can't help it when it comes to my mate. She was an Angel sent from above. So beautiful and kind. Always seeing the good in everyone she came into contact with. Always saw the good in me even when I couldn't.

He smiled at me. " I know she would. " said Connor.

" You know she'd be very proud of you too. " I said.

" I know she would be. I wish I could remember more about her. " he said.

" I could send a few memories of her to you through mind link if you really wanted to see her. " I said.

His eyes widened and he looked at me with almost a pleading look. " You can do that?" He asked.

" Of course I can. I've been wanting to for a while. " I said.

" Please send me a memory now. I want a clear view of her face. " he said.

" Let me think of the right memory to send. " I said.

I then began thinking. Finally I found the right one and sent it to him through mind link while also allowing the memory to play out in my mind.


" Sweetie, have you seen Connor anywhere? I can't seem to find him. " said my mate as she knocked on my office door.

I rolled my eyes. That kid is always getting into trouble. " Just call him, I'm sure he will show up then." I said.

" I tried that. I even went to all his hiding spots and he's nowhere to be found. " I then looked up to see her.

I'll never get tired of seeing her face. She had bright blue eyes that sparkle, the same eyes Connor inherited. She had freckles sprinkled along her cheeks and on her nose. She had black hair like mine that was waist length, which she always kept in a pony tail or had it in a bun. She had the most beautiful smile. She was gorgeous.

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