Chapter 92.

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John's POV.

* Trigger warning for those who have anxiety. A panic attack is at the start of this chapter. *

No, no, not again. I can't deal with werewolf hunters again. Not after last time. They'll kill me for sure this time. What if they're after me?

I can feel my heart beating rapidly and I can hear the sound of my blood rushing through my ears. My chest has grown so tight. It feels constricting.

I can't even tell if I'm breathing right now. My hands are sweaty and I'm shaking like a leaf. Thoughts of all kinds are entering my brain and bouncing away like they weren't even there to begin with.

I can't hear anything or see anything aside from myself. I feel this overwhelming urge to run away and find somewhere safe.

I'm about to do so when I feel something grab my wrists. Only the second someone touched my hurt wrist, everything that happened that night comes flooding into the forefront of my mind. It sends new bolts of pain through me and I cry out and flinch away from whatever is touching me.

I need to get away now! I struggle for a moment but I'm too weak to break free what's happening? Black spots are clouding my vision. Why? What are these black spots?

" ..... eathe.... John breathe. ...." Ordered a voice.

Breathe? Am I not breathing right now? Is that where these black spots are coming from?

" BREATHE NOW!" Ordered someone in a stern voice.

The order is strong and comforting in a way and it fills me with the desire to comply to whatever the voice has ordered me to do.

That's when I open my mouth and take in a huge gasp of air. That's when things come back into focus somewhat. My senses are overwhelmed by the suddenness of the noise and the people around me.

There are three people around me. I look to see. It's my parents and Alpha Grace. Each one of them had a look of pure concern on their face.

" John, it's ok. Keep breathing. " urged my mother.

" Do you know where you are son?" Asked my father.

Too many questions so soon. I'm still trying to get my bearing. I look down and try to focus on breathing. That's when I realize one of my hands is being held by Alpha Grace. She's got my hand placed over her heart and I can feel each breath she's taking.

Then I hear her, she urging my to take calming breathes with her and follow her lead. I put all my energy into doing as she asked. It feels like it takes hours when I reality it was probably twenty minutes, but I managed to calm down.

After all that I'm left breathing shakily, my body is shaking like a leaf and I'm just utterly exhausted. My eyes are half closed as well.

" John, honey, please look at me?" Asked my mother.

I look up weakly to see her smiling softly at me. " You did such a good job, sweetie. I'm so proud of you. " she said.

I try to smile but I just don't have the energy. " John. " said Alpha Grace.

I look over at her. " I am deeply sorry for having to use my Alpha voice on you. I felt as if I had no other choice. I hope you can forgive me for it. " she said. She seemed to be filled with guilt.

" I-I do." I whispered just loud enough for us all to hear.

She relaxed some and we had yet to move my hand from where she had placed it over her heart. Feeling her heart beat was grounding me a good bit.

" How are you feeling?" Asked my father gently.

" Bad." I said. They shared a concerned glacé with each other. " I'm so tired. "

" Then let's get you to bed. " said my mother.

Alpha Grace and my father helped me to stand they made sure I was able to walk to my room, though my walking was more like me stumbling over my own feet.

Once we were there I didn't bother to go change clothes. I just walked over and laid down. My mother walked up and pulled me over to her. I was then cuddled in her arms with my head resting on her shoulder.

It was comforting. My father used the sheet to cover us up and then turned out the lights before he left the room with Alpha Grace.

Once they were gone I felt like crying. I think my mom could tell because she hugged me tighter. " It's ok to cry after something like that John. Just relax and cry if you need to. Mommy's here. " she said.

Those few words did it for me and I ended up crying into her shoulder. She just held me and I could tell she was crying too because I could smell the saltiness of her tears thanks to my great sense of smell.

I merely hugged her as a way to comfort her and the two of us just cried until we were empty of tears. I rolled onto my back and she cuddled close and held my arm before she held my hand.

" Thanks mom. " I said.

" I'll always be here for you. Now, get some rest and don't hesitate to wake me if you need me. " she said.

" Yes ma'am. " I said and together we fell asleep like that.

I woke hours later to a soft knock at the door. " Come in. " I said.

The door opened and my father stood there. " Hey son, how are you feeling?" He asks.

" Better. " I said.

My mother was awake and sat up a little. " I had Alpha Grace go ahead and get those therapists to come here earlier. The meetings for you and them will be first thing in the morning. " said my father.

" Sounds good. " I said sitting up and stretching some.

" Come on. Let's go get you something to eat. You must be hungry. " said my mother.

I nodded in agreement and together the three of us walked out of my room in the direction of the kitchen.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. I may have sheds tear of two writing this because I've dealt with panic attacks myself and I know just how hard they can be. To those out there dealing with this same thing. Never give up. If you need help then don't be afraid to ask for it. There's always someone out there. Just don't ever give up. You'll make it through whatever struggles you are facing.

The next chapter will be in Alpha Lucas's POV. Until then :-)

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