Chapter 39.

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Bète Rick's POV.

Amber has been showing us around the pack. They've been putting up new shops and little restaurants. This pack is turning out to be great. It's going back to its former glory.

I'm so proud of my daughter. She's been handling everything so well and been so brave and patient. She gets it from her mother.

My mate has practically raised Amber all by herself because I've been so busy raising John to be Bète. I wish I had spent more time with her, but she's grown up just fine. I love her and John so much.

I know my mate feels the same. I look at amber as she starts talking. " Over there is our newest business. It's grand opening is tonight. It's a karaoke cafe called The Singing Bird Cafe. " says Amber.

" That sounds lovely dear. " my mate said.

Amber beams over at her. " It is. I'm really excited about it. I was thinking we could all go there for the grand opening tonight? " says Amber.

" I would love that. " says my mate.

" Sounds like fun. " I say.

She beams even more. Seeing her smile like this always warms my heart. It reminds me of when she was a child and used to always hang out with Tasha.

The two of them have been inseparable since they were first introduced to each other as babies. One never leaving the others side. Sometimes if one of them got upset the only was to cheer them up was to put the two of them together in a crib.

It was honestly adorable. It's good to know Tasha is here by her side helping her with all of this. They have a friendship that can't be destroyed.

Then Kurt came into the mix when they were toddlers. He and John grew up together as friends as well. They looked after the two girls without even being asked too. They just did it. It was like instinct to them.

Kurt grew closer to them and John became busy with me. Then we had our trio. Up until the point Kurt was old enough to start learning how to be Alpha. He had to step away fr a little bit. Tasha never allowed that though.

Her father wanted her to focus on becoming the third in command and Tasha was happy to learn, she just refused to let it hinder her relationship with Amber. I'm proud of both of them.

We keep walking for a bit before Amber stops in front of a shop that has stone slabs for walkways outside. She turns towards us.

" You guys are headed to John's pick after this, right?" She asks.

We nod. Amber looks down at the slabs. " You can make your own specially designed slabs for walkways. I know how much you guys have been wanting a new walkway slab. So I was thinking we can make our own custom one and put our paw prints on it and our names as well. We would leave a spot open for John to finish once you take it to him. " says Amber.

That's so thoughtful. " I like that a lot, Amber. " I said.

" That's a wonderful idea honey. " says my mate.

Amber grins. We walk into the store to see about getting the slab. The store owner looks at us and grins when he sees Amber. " Luna Amber, welcome. What can I help you with?" He said.

" Hello Marty. Thank you for the welcome. I'd like you to meet my parents. Bète Rick and his mate Natalie of the Grey Wolf Pack. " says Amber.

Marty beams even more. " The parents of the Luna. Incredible. " he sticks out his hand. " It's so wonderful to meet you. You have a lovely daughter. "

We shake his hand. " Thank you. " I say.

" It's a pleasure to meet you. " says my mate.

" Well then, what can I do to help you lovely folks?" He asks.

Amber explains her idea to him and he seems absolutely thrilled by the idea. " I can get that started for you right away. I even have changing rooms in the back so you can change into your wolf without worry. " he said.

This place is nice, he's sure thought of everything. We head back to the changing rooms and get ready. As he gets the cement ready and does the mold correctly, he tells us when to go shift and we do just that. Each changing and walking out.

He directs us as we do this. Instructing is on which paw to use and the right amount of pressure to make the print. Once we were done with that he cleans on the cement that had stuck to our fur and then says we can go shift back. When we do and walk back he asks us if we want our names on there to be mom and dad. We agree to that.

So we see the aftermath of our fun and grin at the results. There was the perfect slab with a corner missing for John with our names below each print. " It's beautiful. You do fine work sir. " says my mate.

Marty practically beams at her praise. " Thank you. I used to have this business going before, but after everything with Alpha Conan, I had to close down. I thought I'd never get this place up and running again. That is until your daughter stepped foot into this pack and gave us all a second chance. " he said.

Everyone here adores Amber. This is definitely the place she needs to be. No doubt about that. We talked for a while longer. " This will set enough for you over night. You can carry it and the mold with you so you can finish it when you reach your sons pack. " says Marty.

" Thank you. We will return your mold back to you when we come back through. " says my mate.

" That will be wonderful. " he said.

Amber handled paying for it. She refused getting it for free when he suggested it and payed him the money for a well done job. We offered to chip in but she refused that as well.

Afterwards we left the store and went of to the next. That store was wonderful. I can't wait to see how much more this pack has thrived. With that we continue on to the next store.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next will be in Connor's POV for his second therapy appointment. Sorry it took a while to get this up. I was on vacation and then battling with depression. I'm doing a lot better. So expect more chapters soon. Thanks for the support. Bye :-)

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