Chapter 88.

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Matt's POV.

Man, I'm not sure I'll ever be ready to be Bète. I'm doing my best with all the work here while Bète Rick is gone visiting his kids but I never knew just how much work went into it or how much work Bète Rick actually did on his own until he left me here in charge of it.

Clair is helping me and so is Luna Cassandra. Her having been raised by a Bète and trained to be one is very helpful for when she's helping me, plus I haven't even begun to describe how much paperwork there is. It's like a never ending stack of papers.

Once I reach to bottom of one stack there's an entirely new stack waiting. No wonder they spend so much time on their offices. They have all this to do. Sometimes if I'm by myself and get stuck on something I'll contact Bète Rick and ask him about it but other than that I've been trying to figure it all out the best I can.

Alpha Kurt and Luna Cassandra and spending some time here lately going over some wedding planning. It's very sweet that their lives are coming together. Sooner or later that's going to be Clair and I. I can't wait for the day I have enough money to buy her a ring that shows her just how much she's worth to me.

Clair deserves the world and ever since we first met I've been trying my best to live up to the expectations I put for myself. I learned by watching the way my dad treated my mother. He was always kind and patient with her, never harsh and he loves her with everything he is.

I haven't spoken to my best friend in weeks though. My best friend is Clair's childhood best friend. He was the one to introduce me to everything werewolf related because he wanted to look out for Clair seeing as she is a werewolf as well.

Now that I've become a member of a pack and I have marked Clair, my body went through a small mutation where I can create and talk to people with mind links like werewolves can. My K-9 teeth are also more pointed than the average but it doesn't bother me one bit.

So here I am, sitting in Bète Rick's office which will one day be my office and am going over a fresh stack of paperwork I found on the desk this morning. This one just has me going over some expenses that the pack had to make by purchasing items and food from the human world. I'm reading over the finances and am typing them into the computer so we can keep track of them on paper and on computer in case something were to happen to one of them.

Once I typed it in, I made sure the poets were organized before I placed it in the filing cabinet that is used specifically for the finances. We're to the point where now we have a complete separate set of rooms with different files of finances and other types of paperwork that range from the past ten years.

According to Bète Rick, they go through and get rid of the last ten years every ten years so they can start fresh. We're on year number nine since the last time it was all cleaned out.

I'm not sure what they do with ten years worth of paperwork but I bet it's fun to watch and satisfying after all the work they put in to getting that paperwork done.

I snicker to myself, I'd probably be filming it on my phone to keep for myself. Just then I hear a knock on the door. " Come in " I said.

The door opened and Alpha Kurt stood there. I made to stand up but he held his hand out for me to stay seated. " No need to get up. I'm here as a friend, not your boss. " he said.

I nodded and sat back down. " What can I do for you Alpha Kurt. " I asked.

" I plan to go to the human world to shop for a new suit for mine and Cassandra's wedding. I was wondering if you happened to know of any good shops in the human towns nearby?" He asked.

I smiled widely. " So you guys finally settled on a date?" I ask.

He practically beams. " Yes, we're in the last month of summer now and the weather is going to change soon. We decided we wanted a Winter wedding. December 29th to be more specific. " said Kurt.

" That's a few days after the first day of Winter. Will it be indoor or outdoor?" I ask.

" We haven't decided on that yet. She said she's always dreamed of a snow process like wedding. So if it's snowing she would like it to be outside but if no snow has fallen she has agreed for us to have it inside the pack houses ballroom and decorate it to fulfill her dream wedding desires. " said Kurt.

" Aww, that's adorable. " I said. I then lean back and sigh. " I know of a few places. My dad can meet us outside the pack grounds in his truck and he can drive us to a nice suit shop nearby. I'll do some extra research and check out the reviews to the shops nearby to make sure they will be nice and if you don't like that shop, there are plenty of others I can show you. "

" That would be fantastic. Thank you. " he said.

" Also, I want to do what I can to help you with your wedding preparations, wether that be taking up some of your duties as Alpha or more paperwork then so be it. Whatever you need. " I said.

" That's very sweet of you to offer but there's another reason I was asking you about coming along and showing me these suit shops." He said.

My eyes widen when I realize what he means. " You don't mean...?" I start.

" I want you to be one of my groomsmen. What do you say?" Asked Kurt.

" I would be honored. I accept. " I said. My smile was almost hurting with how wide it was. He grinned back.

" Brilliant. This just makes me more and more excited for the wedding. " He said.

He then stood up. " I'll let you get back to the paperwork but if you need anything, I'll be right next door. Don't hesitate to ask for help. "He said.

" Yes Alpha Kurt. " I said.

He smiled again before turning and leaving, closing the door behind him. Man, this year has been great so far but it keeps getting better and better.

I can't even seem to frown anymore as I'm doing the paperwork. I'm far too happy for that. With thoughts of what I'm currently doing and thinking of how to ask the other people he chooses how they want to plan the bachelor party for Kurt, I carry on with my day.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed. The next chapter will be in Amber's POV. Until then bye :-)

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