Chapter 82.

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John's POV.

I can't help but to wonder what Alpha Grace wants to talk to me about. I know it's nothing bad but I'm still a bit worried. I guess that's just some eft over anxiety surfacing from the past few days.

I knock on her door which was left open and see her sitting at her desk. She looks up and spots me. A smile flashed across her face. " John, please come in and close the door behind you. " she said.

I nod and do as she says. " Take a seat if you like. " she offers.

I do take a seat but my leg starts to tap up and down relentlessly. I barely even notice it doing that. I keep my arms on the arm rests to keep from hugging my arms to my body. This anxiety is causing me to want to shrink in on myself.

She seems to notice right away and is quick to assure me nothing is wrong. " I'm sorry if my suddenness for this conversation caused you any anxiety. It's nothing bad, I assure you of that. I am merely wanting to talk over a few important things with you and I wanted you to feel more comfortable having this talk by closing the room door. If it makes you feel better you can open the door again. " she said.

Her words seems to settle me down and I relax a little and let out a deep breath of relief. " It's fine if it stays closed. " I said.

" Ok, as long as it makes you feel comfortable. " she said.

She then turns to some papers that were sitting by here. They look to have been printed out recently. " Now, I called you in here because I wanted to talk to you about the options you have. " she said.

" Options for what?" I ask.

" I think you would benefit from talking to someone. A therapist. " she said as she looks at me. I can see the concern for me in her eyes.

" Why would I need one though? I'm fine. " I said.

" But you're not John, not completely and not only myself but both your parents can see it. " said Alpha Grace.

I tilt my head in confusion. " I know I've not been carrying my weight around here like I should, but I'll do better. I don't think a therapist is going to help me. " I said.

Her eyes widen. " Your weight?" She asks shockingly.

" Yeah, my weight. You invited me here and I want to make sure I'm helping out in any way I can. " I tell her.

" John, you are a guest here. You have no weight to carry. I invited you here because it was too stressful for you to stay at your home pack. I brought you here to heal, not to stress yourself out with trying to please me or carry your weight in the pack. " she said.

" B-but what about..." I start only for her to hold her hand up. I closed my mouth and stay silent.

" Did you think I would kick you out if you didn't do your fair share of work around here?" She asks me.

I feel like I'm at a loss for words and I feel my anxiety building again. " What, n-no. I never thought that. " I defend myself.

" Then what do you mean? Why do you feel like you have to earn your place here?" She asked.

I stumbled over my words trying to figure out what to say but I have no excuse. I sighed and slumped down. I feel small under her gaze and I don't resist the urge to hug my arms to myself this time.

She spots this and her gaze softens. " John, it's ok. I'm not here to judge you no matter what your answer will be. Take as much time as you need before you answer. My goal is to make sure you are not feeling pressured in any way. " she said.

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