Chapter 35.

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Connor's POV.

Seeing Amber with her family brings a smile to my face. I know it hurts her to see me like this sometimes, but I know it's because I can't remember. I wish I could. Things are just so clouded and it feels like there's a fog in my head sometimes.

I remember bits and pieces. Nothing huge and substantial yet. My heads actually been hurting today. Amber agreed to watch the kitten tonight so I could get some needed sleep. I thank her and head to bed.

Once I'm ready for bed and under the covers, I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillows.


" You can't keep this up much longer Connor. " says the voice that was familiar to me. Clayton.

I'm sitting on the ground with Amber asleep curled into my side. I find myself looking back up at Clayton and speaking.

" What other choice do I have? " I say.

Clayton looks a little irritated. " Connor, if we get caught we will all be killed. " he said.

" I know, but don't worry. She won't tell anyone. No one's going to find out. " I said.

It's like I'm saying this against my will. It's like I can't control myself and speak my mind.

" We know she won't tell, but what if someone gets suspicious and follows her out here, spies on us and then turns us in?" Says the voice of a girl.

I look over and there stood my other friend. Cassandra.

" She's been careful when coming here. " I said.

" I don't want to get caught and killed Connor. " says Cassandra.

" Don't worry, I promise you won't get caught of killed. It would be me out of the three of us that would get killed if we got caught. " I said.

Caught by who? I can't remember what we are talking about. This is so confusing.

" You can't talk about being caught Connor, or killed. You have a mate. Plus you need to sort out everything that's going on here. " Clayton said.

" I will. I just hope soon people will listen to me and let me explain just what happened. " I said.

What happened? What did happen? I can't remember.

" People will once they know the entire story, but what if you get caught and people don't listen?" Asks Cassandra.

" I can't get caught. I can't go back. Not to the place I know. You don't know what I went through. " I said.

" We have a feeling about it, but you're right. We have no idea. " says Clayton.

" If anyone will understand though, it's her. " says Cassandra.

" I know. I will soon once I'm ready. You guys have to promise me something in the meantime though? Please? " I ask.

It's like I'm watching a movie right now. I'm on the edge of my seat wanting answers, but I'm nowhere near to getting them. It's infuriating.

" Anything Connor. " says Cassandra.

" If I do get caught, or something goes wrong and I get killed, promise me that you will watch over Amber for me. Because if I don't protect her, who will?" I ask.

" We will protect her with our lives. " says Clayton. Cassandra agreed with him.

" Thank you. " I said. The scene starts to fade and it's like I'm fighting to stay there. I want to know more but it's not letting me. Something is holding me back and it hurts.

My head aches. It's a brutal pounding in my temples. I grab my head or try to as I'm pulled away from this memory. As it fades away and I fight to keep it here, my head just hurts more and more.

Finally the pounding in my head is too much. I have no choice but to let it go and I fly back into darkness.


I wake with the worst migraine I've ever had before. It hurt so bad. I let out a small moan of pain and out the pillow over my head.

After a few moments I hear the door open. I know it's Amber by the scent. She walks up to the bed and kneels down next to me.

" I've got you some pain meds sweetie. Please take them?" She asks.

I slowly remove the pillow and whimper when the light hits my eyes and pain spreads. There Amber holding out four small pills. I take them as quickly as I could.

Amber the holds up an ice pack wrapped in a towel. " Close your eyes Connor. This ice will help so much. " she says.

I nod and close my eyes. She gently pressed the ice pack to my head and it instantly starts to numb the headache. I let out a small groan of relief.

" You remembered something, didn't you?" She asks.

" Yes. " I said.

" You just relax and let me take care of you. The meds will help you. I promise. " she said.

" The ice is already doing wonders. " I admit.

" Good. I'm glad. " Amber said.

It takes a while, but soon enough the meds knock away most of the headache and I'm able to open my eyes without it hurting so much.

Amber was so patient and kind to me as she held the ice to my forehead. She gently removed it and helped me sit up.

She passed over something small to eat, an apple. I smile and take it from her before I start to eat it.

" Thank you. " I said.

" I'll always be here when you need me. " says Amber.

I then notice something. " Where's Walnut?" I ask.

Amber giggles. " I had Tasha watch her once I realized how much pain you were in. She's sound asleep. " says Amber.

I sigh in relief. " Good. " I say.

" Do you want her?" Asks Amber.

" Yes please?" I ask.

Amber nods and soon there's a knock on the door. Amber goes to retrieve Walnut and brings her back to me. Now I can relax fully. I won't be falling asleep again for a while. So I can keep myself busy with Walnut.

I look at Amber. " Can you stay for a while?" I ask.

" I'll stay as long as you need me. " she answered. I smiled and she settled in the bed with me and with that we just relaxed and played with Walnut.

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A/N. Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter. The next will be in Steve's POV. Until then guys. Bye. Also, if there's a POV you want to see, let me know and I'll do it. :-)

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