Chapter 3.

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Alpha Conan's POV.

I can't help the smile that crosses my face as I see Amber and Connor placing flowers on all the graves. Connor has made great progress, but he still growls at me. Makes me wonder if he remembers anything about me or if Fenris put something in his head about me.

Either way, he's returned to me and his family safe and healthy and that's all I could ever ask for. I hope I can mend our relationship. I would love to have a proper father, son relationship.

I still have a lot to make up for myself and I hope that when he remembers everything, we can start new. That would mean everything to me.

I turn away from them and head over to the packs prison. I've been working more on cleaning it with some pack members. Everything had happened so fast that Amber hasn't been able to do anything else with the prison since our clean up day.

We were only able to get half of the prison done that day, so I scheduled for us to be able to clean it out today. I did mention it to Amber and she looked so relieved I wanted to do this. She wants to spend as much time as she can with Connor.

She deserves it anyway. Once I make it to the prison I walk in and go through the necessary entry procedures we have to keep prisoners from escaping. After Connor has escaped, the prison had a gaping hole in it. Someone had spent a long time digging underground to where Connor's cell was. They set up some type of explosives and busted open that cell and lots of cells from the floor above.

They all took off and ran free. We have them all back and in prison. It took us a long while to repair the cells, but we managed and now we are going to reinforce all the cells so that never happens again.

I'm glad it did happen and that Connor escaped. If they hadn't gotten him out when they did, I would have killed Connor the very next morning. I would have regretted doing that to my son for the rest of my life. I already regret so much that I did and I will spend all my life.

I walked into the main office and saw Tasha was there talking to the desk attendant. She smiled when she saw me. " Just in time sir. I'm about to head down and see what they've been working on. " says Tasha.

Amber put her in charge of making sure the prison is up to code, heck, she's making sure it's above code. She doesn't like the idea of anyone being mistreated. Even if they are prisoners. She just wants what's best for her pack and I deeply respect that. Tasha is a lot like her in that way too. Clayton sure found him a good mate. She matches his energy easily.

" Perfect, then I'll head down there with you. " I say.

Tasha grins and says bye the the desk attendant. I greet her as I pass and together the two of us head down to the cells they were working on at the moment.

" So today we're replacing the plumbing system in cells A5, 6 and 7.  After that we plan on replacing the bedding. " says Tasha.

" Sounds good to me. Let's get to work. " I say.

She laughs. " That's the spirit. "

We make it to those cells to see some pack members were already hard at work. We smiled and got to work helping out.

We had shut off all the water to those floor of cells and got to work replacing everything. We started with moving the toilet and sink out into the hall. We then start to remove the old and rusted pipes and replace them with brand new ones.

A few of us took the sink and toilet out and replaced it with brand new ones. Once we finished with that we started on the next cell.

It took us a two hours to do each cell. It was hard work, but I felt so much better once we were done with it.

After all that work was done, I left to go to the pack house. The cooks are making us all a big dinner for those who were working all day. I think it's a wonderful thing for them to do.

Everyone that's worked today deserves a nice hot meal. We did some great work in there and things are looking up. As I walk in, I spot Amber and Connor helping the cooks place the food on the tables.

I can't help the intense feeling of pride as I watch them. The second I step into the room, I see Connor's entire body stiffen as he senses me.

" Good evening. " I say as a way to announce myself.

Connor turns and shoots me a glare. Amber slaps his shoulder. " Be nice Connor. That's your father. "

He nods and looks away from me. " Sorry. " he mumbled.

" Do you require any help with anything?" I ask.

" Not at the moment. You look tired Alpha Conan. Why don't you go get cleaned up and then we will serve dinner. " says Amber with a gentle smile.

She's right though. I'm all dirty and need a shower anyway. " Yes Luna. " I say teasingly before turning and walking out of the room.

I loved watching the two of them together. It always brings a smile to my face. With that last thought, I head upstairs to get ready for dinner.

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Hey guys. Long time no see huh? Lol. I won't be posting as offer since I'm working on the rewrite of the first book. I'm half way done. I'll be able to let you guys know soon enough about the release date of my first published book. I'm so excited guys. No idea when I'll be back next. Leave a comment and let me know who's POV you guys want next. Until then guys. Love you all :-)

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