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On the sewers weiss crawls back to the end of the tunnel she was very stinky and she was covered with shit dhe try het best not to vomit because of her situation. She summon her last strength to went to everinght castle when rezivm found sae her situation hr ask what happen.

Rezivm- what happen now weiss.

Weiss- my former team did this to me..and that stupid dragon leave me.

Rezivm- and you survive their attack..heh!

Weiss- i will never going to die!! And death is too afraid for my power...those fuckers will pay forbwhat they had done to me.

Rezivm- heh! I like you...you are too stubborn to die child..i have another grendel fragment to give you.. alas i try it to the rogue huntsmen and huntress but they all failed..you are lucky that you are conpatible to grendel..if not..i will kill you right now..

Weiss- hmmpf!! As if you could.. you anf i kbow that i am compatible with grendel so you need me to wield that stupid dragon..and i hope tgat gear has a soul.

Rezivm- ohh it did have a soul...your old sacred gear is just a trial version and now i have the real fragmebt just for you.. and the upgrade is you can access his balance breaker and juggernaut drive

Weiss- good.. for please heal me and i have a bone to pick with that stupid dragon and kill pyrrha..

Rezivm- we will do that later on.. the the merge will start soon..and we have a ear to fight.

Weiss nodded and she passed out..

Arthur take weiss to clean her body and eulcid is preparing for another sacred gear for weiss to use..


On the other realm god lucifer and oum had a meeting

Lucifer- dad is it okay for you to let that stupid rezivm to do the merging???!!

God- yes son..let him do that.. this is the opportunity that we have..if we don't merge the worlds who knows that your kid will unseal the trihexia. We don't know what ob his sleeve...and thrihexia is dangerous onece that beast were unseal..

Oum- but what about great red.

God- that dragon is too stubborn to deal oum..that idiot will join the fight if it needed.  If trihexia will be release we need great red's power..i lost most of my powers when i seal trihexia and the two heavenly dragons..ddraig and albion are strongest fragon emperor they can kill even a gods...we have to preserve our power and magic to help my other children and lucifer's minions.

Lucifer- hey!!! They are my creations dad.

God- whatever...plus i will create a body for you oum even if it was temporary...let us fight with our childrens and lucifers minion side by side against those evil doers..

Lucifer rolls his eyes.

God- ohh don't be like that son...but atleast we have to fight your son..

Lucifer- he's not my son anymore...tmhe is a reject.. i didn't raise that bastard to be a monster...his beliefs is nothing!!

Oum- but you did rebel against your father..

Lucifer- i did!! But this old man disn't even believe me!! That is why i was casted out from home...because of some misunderstanding..

God- i'm sorry son..i know you want to help me..

Lucifer- forst of all old man i didn't want to be a god like you!! I know my limitation. Amd look at us now..we are dead becausr of your arogance.

God- you are at fault too so don't blame me..

Lucifer- forget it..there is no use to fight anymore...it's my fault that i raise a monster. And now look at me seeking the help of fsther and his minions..

God- they are your brothers samael.

Oum- samael??.

God- it's his real name..

Lucifer- dad!! Why did you reveal that..

God ruffles lucifers hair which ti his annoyance..

God- ohh come now son..it was a cute name...

Oum- you know your father is right.....samael.

Lucifer- ut's lucifer! L u ci f e r!!! Remember.

God/ oum- right~ right~ samael...

Lucifer- aaaahhhhh!!!! Ibhatebyou two!!

God- yeah i love you too son...

Oum- anyway what are we planning to do..

God- first we will plannour next move..you oum will gobto kuoh ozpin is there..i will go to heaven.

Lucifer- i will go to underworld and take the remaining pillars back to heaven and we will going to prepare for the big one.  Rezivm is not an idiot he has something far beyond our reach...rezivm manage to take ophis power and some of the evil dragon and he has some grimms and demons on his sleeve..

God- if rezivm wants to have a full scale war. Then we give him whatbhe wants and he will surprise that we will join the fight for one last time...

Lucifer- this is the first ever multiverse great war...we should work together...if we want true peace...

Oum- what about the innocents??

God- relax the innocents will be protected..by the other pantheon. Gabriel and the other seraphs will spread the news and they will come tonheaven for a great meeting.  And besides i created them.

Oum- so they had no other choice but to obey you??

God- correct..they deemed them selves as a gods.. and i am a true god and i am their creator...so they will obey me whether they like it or not...

Oum nodded..

Lucifer- well then shall we create oum a new body??

God- yes samael..now fillow me and we need to finish the body as soon as possible..

Lucifer- yes yahweh..

God- it's dad to you samael..

Lucifer- yeah yeah whatever..

Thebfsther and son duo start to do their own thing leaving oum watch the realms

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