chapter 62

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Felix's pov ( next morning)
I slowly opened my eyes to be met with jisung laying next to me...I remember falling a sleep with jeongin last night but there is no sign of the other....he probably left head freaking hurts...this person...this sniper is my half sister....she is not just a criminal but she is trying to kill minho hyung...for who? To avenge some piece of shit like deathshot...where was she all this time? How did he hide her existence? How is she not even registered in our database?
There are hundreds of questions that are going through my head right now.

I glanced at my phone to check the time, it is already 8am, I have to get up...I have a class to teach at 10. I was absent for a while now, but now I am sure that the sniper...this woman is just after minho hyung...I left the house but no one came after she doesn't know I far as my mother said shin namjoon knew about me, why didn't he tell her about me?...I was four when he tried to kill my mother and get to me...thinking about it now...I didn't ask her what he thinks happened to me...maybe she doesn't know...maybe he thinks I am dead as do I fit in all of this?

"You are going to get wrinkles because of how hard you are frowning right now" i was pulled out of my thoughts when jisung said with raspy morning voice, he was laying on his stomach staring at me.
"Good morning " I said giving him a small smile.
"You are thinking about your new sister" he said moving up.
"I don't know her...she is not..."
"You share DNA, Biologically she is" the older cut me off.
"That's not enough" I said looking away, plus when we caught her she will spend the rest of her life in jail for what she is doing...hell God knows how much people she killed before...that monster turned her into one as well.

"When did you get here? I remember falling asleep with jeongin" I said getting up.
"Do you want me to leave?", he asked raising his eyebrow.
"Baby" I said grabbing both his hands" I know you are hurting, but please don't do this to yourself " I added, he is not acting as he usually do...I know that he is angry at hyunjin as well for hiding the truth but he is trying to forget about the real reason why he is really mad...his mother...jeongin told me about the fight they had yesterday after I left, I just don't want to see jisung hurt for the wrong reason.
"What you said what i am doing here..."

"I said when did you come here? You are trying to pick a fight with me right now...don't " I cut him off pecking his lips...the older frowned before he looked away.
"I...I called my mom yesterday," jisung said taking me off guard "I told her that I need to speak with her about something and she invited me to dinner tonight" he added.
"You are going to confront her?" I asked making him nod.
"I need to find out...this thing...this lie has been messing with my head....I need the truth...I need to find why she did it...and with who?" Jisung said shaking his head.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I said caressing his cheek.
"I need to do this alone" he answered making me hum " lix" he added biting his lips.
"What is it?" I asked tilting his head, he looks kins of a guilty.
"I did is might make the boys...especially seungmin mad" jisung said, oh boy...if this could get seungmin mad he really messed up.
"Wait the boys...and not me...what did you do?" I asked.
"I kissed minho hyung" he said making my eyes widen.
"Oh" I said chuckling " seungmin is going to beat you up " I added.

"You kissed him too..."
"Yeah, but I was drunk..."
"I know that you have a high tolerance to alcohol...I bet that you knew what you were doing and blamed it on being wasted" jisung cut me off throwing a gentle punch at my stomach.
"Maybe, who knows?" I said laughing hard.
"You know I should tell him, and he is not going to like it...I don't want to fight with seungie" jisung said letting a heavy sight out.
"Yeah, you should tell him...there is not kiss and hide in our relationship " I said nodding my head.
"Felix, I just said that...I am going to tell him...I will never hide something like this from anyone of you but..."

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