Chapter 39: Beautiful features - is it used to describe pigs?

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Mainly because I let my brother go out to rent a house, which shows how strict I am on my private life at this stage. I will not share my house with others.

Besides, my two brothers are not married yet, so even if they don't live here permanently, they still come here from time to time. If any rumors spread in the future, the impact will not be good. What do you think? "

Lin Fengmian felt a little embarrassed at this time. He stood up and said, "Sorry, I just wanted to take advantage of you. I won't bother you again next time."

It's good to admit it frankly and know how to turn back in time.

Seeing this, Su Zhixi said nothing more, nodded, and returned to the house.

After that, I didn't go to work, and the cat stayed in the house all the time, without any disturbance.

After spending this cat winter season peacefully, Su Zhixi basically didn't show up in this village for a month and a half, just like an underground party member.

There were even some villagers who had little access to the house and only knew that something big had happened in the Su family, but they had never seen Su Zhixi.

It's March, and it's time to start work soon. We have to dig the ground and do some work.

Of course, for Su Zhixi, she just had to prepare to feed the piglets with pigweed. It was not as easy to do so now as in summer, so she had to walk more into the mountains.

Or plucking for six bursts is equivalent to forgetting to poop for a while while growing up. However, the little pig brought in at this time cannot really eat that much, so it can be considered as enough food.

Today is the big broadcast, and tomorrow is the day to officially start work. Mianmian said: We will mobilize on the first day and then arrange work in groups, but that's just for this day.

After that, just go straight to work.

Su Zhixi thought about it, where did she get so much time to mobilize every day? !

Pack your clothes for tomorrow, but the first thing is to pick out a little wolf from space. Wolves and dogs are indistinguishable when they are young.

I chose a little female wolf that was just two months old and prepared to find a suitable time to pretend to have picked it up from the mountain and bring it home. Then he made a small nest under the house where he slept, and then he had someone to keep him company.

Look at his dark appearance, with just a streak of gray hair on his forehead. He is so handsome! The names are all set. I'll call it Xiaobai from now on!

Wear a thin gray cotton-padded jacket tomorrow to resist stains.


It's a pity that Xiaobai couldn't wait for this "settlement"!

Didi, didi, cough, cough, cough, cough, hey, hey, hey, everyone, come to the threshing floor, come to the threshing floor, come to the threshing floor, come to the threshing floor! !

Su Zhixi was summoned by the loudspeaker in the village, and she squinted her eyes and glanced at the watch in her hand.

Oh my god, it's only six o'clock~

As for being so early? If this is the autumn harvest, we have to start working at five o'clock! !

Fortunately, it was just one day, and no one would care about me after that. Just deliver pigweed on time at noon and evening. You should sleep until you wake up naturally.

Su Zhixi stepped into the space, and the temperature was indeed very comfortable.

Even the fatigue on my body is reduced a lot!

He quickly washed up and went straight to the threshing floor with a cornmeal steamed bun in one hand.

It's said to be corn flour steamed buns, but Su Zhixi's steamed buns are a modern product, and they're different from the ones made today that make people laugh.

It smells delicious!

When I walked out of the house, the morning breeze brushed my cheeks, and it was a little chilly. Su Zhixi looked at the people coming and going in the village in front, who had already begun to greet each other and gossip. It's like a cat's winter time doesn't exist at all.

Su Zhixi also walked towards her destination with some excitement, taking a deep breath and feeling the smell of the land and the taste of hometown brought by Guyu Village.

After eating one, I met Xue Baochai, the wife of the team leader, and Aunt Xue who were going out.

Aunt Xue also saw Su Zhixi, trotted two steps, walked to Su Zhixi's side, and said: "Hey, you've eaten it now. It's so early for you to get up. We start work at six o'clock and can go back at eight o'clock. After dinner, I continue to work at 8:30, until 12:00, and then from 1 to 4:00.

My cat has been having a hard time getting up all winter! Now we are just plowing the land. In another half month, we will start planting wheat, and then in April we will have to plant peanuts, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Hey, let's get busy then~

In the afternoon, I have to work from one o'clock to five thirty, or even six o'clock. However, if you fight Pigweed, you can return to it at any time after completing the basic mission. "

Su Zhixi looked at Aunt Xue: "Auntie, how can we do so much? We even grow peanuts. Wouldn't it be getting busier and busier from now on? I wonder if Auntie knows how many pigs the village plans to raise this year? ? Did Piggy come over?"

Aunt Xue smiled even more happily, "Here he comes, he looks so good-looking. He has a plump belly and beautiful features. This time he brought three more pigs than in previous years, a total of eight pigs.

When the autumn harvest comes, we turn in four pigs and there will still be four pigs left, which will definitely give us more meat than last year when we only split two pigs. "

Su Zhixi: "..." Pretty features? Are you sure this describes pigs?

Gu Gu Gu~

Su Zhixi looked over, and Aunt Xue smiled sheepishly, "Hey, I couldn't help it."

Su Zhixi broke off the second cornmeal bun she was eating and handed the clean and untouched half to her aunt:

"Auntie, I haven't touched this place before, don't be offended. Eat some and your stomach won't growl. This is different from Maodong. Although you don't eat, you don't have to work. It will take at least two hours. , eat something. It's better than nothing."

Aunt Xue didn't intend to take it at first, but before she could say her refusal, her stomach growled again.

He directly took half of the cornmeal bun and said, "Do you have any vegetables at home? I'll ask Mianmian to send you two Chinese cabbages after work."

Then he took a bite, his eyes lit up, but he didn't say anything and ate it quickly.

When Su Zhixi and Aunt Xue arrived, the threshing floor was almost full of people. It turned out that Mianmian had already arrived.

When Su Mianmian saw Su Zhixi, she immediately ran to her side: "Xiao Xi, why did you come out with my mother? Do you have a bad stomach too? Oh, mother, why did you hit me!!

But ~ this is not important. If you look to the left, you should see your ex-uncle's daughter. They look so similar, but it's a pity.

If both parties don't admit it, there's no way to convict them. But looking at that appearance, he probably didn't have a good life here. I don't know what kind of work you, the former aunt, did on the farm while she was pregnant with a child.

You have to be careful in the future, Su Ling and Su Aiai are as good as sisters now. You haven't gone out. You don't know. The last time I went to the county to deliver a letter, I saw two people riding a bullock cart to the county together. The two of them were looking around just now, maybe they were looking for you! "

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