Chapter 62: Thieving eyebrows and rat eyes! bad senses

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He remembered your name that day, and when he met you this time, he didn't even register it yet! Later, as soon as you spoke to hurt others, he felt that it was right, and he called my elder brother excitedly.

But my eldest brother had something to do and he didn't pick up the call. It was me who answered the call.

In addition, your eldest brother went to inquire some time ago and heard that someone was investigating you, so I was worried about whether someone was taking action against you, so I went to look for it... Anyway, your eldest brother found out in the end. Here we come. "

After saying that, Su Zhixi looked at him and added: "Your elder brother looks at you, and I look at my resentful younger brother."

After saying that, Su Zhixi looked at him and added: "Your elder brother looks at you, and I look at my resentful younger brother."

Su Zhixi nodded after listening and sat down again.

"I'm scared to death. Do you think something happened? Sit down, you're welcome. Have you had breakfast? If not, let's have some together?"

Looking at everyone's confused eyes, he thought he hadn't replied yet, so he immediately replied: "I signed up to go to the countryside in a hurry, so my second brother doesn't know. But I asked Brother Xiaoyun to leave him a message. .

He will know as soon as he comes back. I also told Brother Xiaoyun to help me go to the post office from time to time. If there is express delivery from my second brother, let him help pick it up first. If you don't want to pick it up, explain the reason and then keep the package. "

The eldest brother still looked at Su Zhixi in confusion.

After a minute, the eldest brother spoke: "Xiao Xi, your little life is really a bit... a bit unexpected? I was worried that you would not live well. You look like a watermelon."

Suddenly the voice changed: "Where did you buy this watermelon? Did you go to the black market? Why are you so brave! Tell me what you want next time. We are closer this time. I will go to the black market then. Buy it for you, how dangerous it is!"

It seems that the eldest brother doesn't know the excuse he told the second brother. The second brother is quite strict with his mouth!

But the eldest brother was also kind and did not block him. He said that he was worried about his own safety. But he put his own safety aside and was a little moved.

Su Zhixi hadn't eaten the watermelon yet, so she picked up a spoon, scooped out the sweetest part in the middle, and stuffed it directly into her elder brother's mouth to block him from speaking.

Shen Xingchen didn't care and sat down on the mat, eating fried food, and said to Su Rongzhi: "Let me see, your sister has big ideas!

After Shen Xingchen finished speaking, he saw Su Zhixi's death gaze, and immediately continued: "Of course, she is also very capable. It is impossible for you to trap her with a few words. Anyway, you just want her to live well, so how can she live well now? That's great. Why are you still talking about her?

Look at this mat. Sit on it and try it. It's moisture-proof. This is in the mountains, but there is no feeling of moisture at all when sitting on this mat. If you look around the mat, there is some powder, but there are no insects at all near the mat.

The ants over there walked near here and turned away. They must have been sprayed with pesticide powder to prevent insects. Let's look at the food. Fried goods require a lot of oil to fry. There are also sesame seeds and this seasoning that I don't recognize but have eaten before. They are not simple. "

Little did he know that his impassioned speech at this time would be something he would regret in the future, because he was the one who wanted to protect her the most.

Su Zhixi nodded and bumped Shen Xingchen with her elbow. The sweet fragrance brought by the girl made the straight man Shen Xingchen dizzy for the first time!

I feel like I can hear my own heartbeat. My heart beats faster, but I can feel warmth and joy inside! The place that was touched just now seemed to have an electric current, attacking the atrium of the heart, making oneself tremble unconsciously.

My heart seemed to be beating out of my chest, and every beat was full of strength and vitality.

Su Rongzhi saw Su Zhixi's movements and immediately stepped forward to pull Su Zhixi to the side. Su Zhixi also realized that men and women are more serious now, so she subconsciously followed the direction of her elder brother's tug and sat a little further.

This action made Shen Xingchen feel a little anxious and uneasy.

At this moment, Shen Xingnan's shout broke the silence.

Shen Xingchen was even more annoyed, but he tried his best to restrain himself and told himself: This is my sister, she is only 15 years old, just like his stupid brother.

But my thoughts drifted to: It was not like I had never seen female soldiers before. There were also many female soldiers from the art troupe. They sprayed me with some stinky smell and got close to me. I was very bored and wanted to vomit.

During one of the competitions, someone accidentally bumped his arm. I felt very disgusted for a moment and immediately went back to my place and took off my shirt. Although it didn't touch my skin, I still took a shower.

As for the outer robe, it seemed that Marquis Sun stopped him when he was about to throw it into the fire, so he gave it to Marquis Sun.

But Su Zhixi gave people a very comfortable feeling. I didn't even feel disgusted when I met her. I couldn't be thinking about a little girl. It's terrible. Calm down! calm!

Shen Xingnan: "Su Zhiqing, Su Zhixi, that policeman came again last night. Maybe we were too impressive last night, so he recognized me right away. After questioning me for a long time, the last words were all about your.

Then how did I know? When I said that you and I were not very familiar with each other, he was very happy after hearing this. He also said that he wanted to come to you. I told him that you were hunting pigweed in the northwest direction, and I would come to the north and south direction to give you a message first

Su Zhixi: "Then you were kicked out, weren't you? You sent people running to the top of the mountain over there. I guess Zhang Yiyu must have said something to me, why else would you want to find me!"

But I didn't commit any crime, so just come to me if you come to me! Look at you, you're sweating profusely. Thank you for reporting to me. Let me be mentally prepared and drink some fruit tea! "

Shen Xingnan: "It's all trivial. I looked at that man with a sly look, and my senses were not good. I just want to tell you first. After all, when you left yesterday, I saw him peeking at you? But you don't have to thank me. If you have any curse words in the future, just let me copy them."

Su Zhixi: "..." She was really stunned.

Shen Xingnan turned around and saw Shen Xingchen.

"Second brother, why are you here? Do you know each other? Then on the train, you still pretended not to know each other?"

Shen Xingchen was speechless for a while: "You just saw me? Can you be more reliable in doing things in the future? You were very stable when you came from the capital, but you drifted off when you came down. Also, I didn't pretend at the time, I really didn't know him at the time.

This is Big Brother's good comrade-in-arms and good brother. Rong Zhi and I met when we were dispatching people from different teams on a mission, and we got along well with each other in terms of temperament and temperament. As for Zhi Xi, my younger sister, it was completely a coincidence. Who knew that she was Rong Zhi's younger sister? Who knew that she had good skills!

After that, the two of you go to the countryside in the same place. You are more reliable and can help with some tasks. For example, you are responsible for the firewood in winter. If you go to the county town to buy something heavy, you have to help bring it back. Got it? "

Shen Xingnan: "..." Second brother, are you still the unsmiling person like me, the one who dislikes me even if I say a word? I've never seen such a secretive second brother, I'm scared!

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