Darcy Kuemper (ft. Nino Niederreiter) ~ MW

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Author's Note: I am also one of the characters in the imagine but just wait and see in what I have a role of...and yes it does involve Nino Niederreiter. And if I put my in the story towards the end, that's from my perspective, just to clarify. #SorryNotSorry 😎

QOTD #1: What are your favorite sport(s)?

AOTD #1: Soccer, football, and hockey

QOTD #2: Do you prefer Starbucks or Caribou?

AOTD #2: Definitely Starbucks

You were at home, taking care of your sick fiancé, Darcy Kuemper of the Minnesota Wild. It was already 2 days before your wedding and you had no clue what to do! You were really close to make Nino Niederreiter from Darcy's best-man to your maid of honor and make him wear a dress because he was the one who gave Darcy the stuffy nose while they were at practice yesterday. And trust me, no one would want to see Nino in the bridesmaids' royal blue dress that they have to wear and walking down the aisle with high heels on. Sure, you and Darcy would have a couple of laughs, but you know Nino would want revenge on the both of you. While finishing up the chicken noodle soup you were cooking in the kitchen, Darcy whined from his spot on the couch in the living room, which was across from the dining room, "Y/N, can you bring me a blanket? I'm feeling so cold. Hurry up babe!"

Luckily, the soup was done cooking, so you went upstairs and grabbed a MN Wild blanket. You went back downstairs and tucked Darcy quietly as he dozed off to a short nap. You went back to the kitchen to get his soup, when Darcy must've woken up and meekly yelled, "Y/N, can you get the small fan from the kitchen? I'm feeling hot!"

You got the soup to Darcy and begged him to eat it. You went back to the kitchen and got the fan for Darcy and plugged it in by him. You had enough of his whining and childish behavior, you went to the kitchen and decided to call the "El Niño" and get him to help you make Darcy feel better.

Nino: I don't know why I should come there and help you Y/N.

You: Nino, you made him sick. PLEASE help me with him! He's been acting like a toddler all day...!

Nino: I'll come over, but what's in it for me?

You: I know that Priya is coming to the wedding without a date....Didn't you tell Darcy that you've been in love with her ever since she moved here from Dortmund, Germany when you also moved here? I can call her when you get here and we both will talk to her.

Nino: Wait, HOW do you know that I like her? Oh my god, Darcy told you, didn't he!? Last time I'll ever tell him a big secret....

You: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else. And she likes you back, so don't worry! Are you forgetting that Priya and I are best friends and we were at the game when I brought her to the game when you first saw her. You basically scored your first goal with the Wild then collided with Zach Parise because she waved back to you? And luckily not injuring the both of you.

Nino: I'll be there in 5, I'm at Walgreens actually when you called. I was actually coming over but you ruined it. Just kidding, yeah, I'll be there.

Nino hung up and you went to the living room and sat near Darcy but not too close. You blew a kiss to Darcy, feeling sad that you can't actually kiss him but you smiled when he blew one back to you.

"I love you so much Y/N. 2 more days until you're officially my wife." Darcy smiled but coughed slightly at the the end. You took the empty soup bowl and went to the kitchen to wash it. When you got to the kitchen, you heard the doorbell ring. You walked up to the front door and there stood Nino, with a Walgreens bag and a few Domino's boxes.

"Hey Nino! Come in, just drop off the pizzas in the kitchen." You let Nino come in and take his coat off. He went to the living room and you followed him. You quietly said, "So, you want to go to the other room and talk to Priya while Darcy sleeps for a while?"

Nino nodded "yes" and you both went to the dining room. You both sat next to each other and you dialed my phone. I picked up after the 2nd ring.

Me (Priya): Hey Y/N! How's Darcy feeling?

You: He's feeling better. What are you doing right now?

Me: Oh I was just shopping for a dress for the reception party. Why do you ask?

You: I was wondering if you were interested coming over.

Me: Sure I'll come! I'm actually in the car right now, parked in my driveway. And I can see that Nino's car is in your driveway. Hi Nino!

Nino: Hey Priya, could you come over? I need to talk to you about something....

Me: Yeah sure Nino, I'm on my way guys. Talk to you guys later. Auf Wiedersehen!

You and Nino: Adíos!

Priya hung up and we went and checked on Darcy. He was still sleeping and we heard the doorbell ring.

(My POV)

I was outside Y/N and Darcy's house, waiting for someone to get the door when Nino opened the door.

"Hi Nino! So good to see you again. Can I come in? It's so freezing out here." I hugged Nino and he stepped to the side so I could come into the house. I took my coat off and hung up my scarf.

"So...Where's Y/N and Darcy?" I asked Nino, confused.

"Y/N's with Darcy right now. So....How have you been?" Nino smiled.

"I've been good. A little stressed from maid of honor duties, but excited for the wedding. Are you going with anyone?" I answered back, blushing a little bit.

"No, but there is one girl that I've been dying to ask...." Nino started. He tilted my chin to look up at him and he crashed his lips onto mine. I was shocked but kissed Nino back more gently and passionately. He broke away but our foreheads still touched.

"And that girl is you, Priya....Will you be my girlfriend and even though you're already going, but be my date?" Nino chuckled and I nodded, tears brimming from my eyes.

"You had no idea how long I've been waiting for this." I hugged him and kissed him.

(Back to your POV)

Once I heard Priya say "yes", I woke Darcy up. This was actually a prank. Darcy wasn't actually sick but we pretended so we could get Nino and Priya together as they've been in love with each other since that Wild game.

"Ready to go Y/N?" Darcy winked at you. You gave a thumbs up and you and Darcy walked over to the dining kitchen, where Priya was with Nino, taking selfies. You and Darcy did photobomb a few, but when it came to a romantic one, they let y'all be in it. You took one of Nino kissing Priya on Nino's and my phones while Nino took one of you and Darcy kissing on your's and Darcy's phones.

"Wait a minute...." Nino suspiciously interrogated.

"Darcy's not sick is he Y/N?" Priya already figured it out but she laughed.

"No, we just got you two here so you could confess your feelings for each other. You've been in love with each other for 2 years." Darcy laughed nervously, waiting for their reactions. Instead of being angry, they were happy and didn't look very angry.

"I'm happy for both of you guys! You really are cute together!" You squealed, which made me blush and Nino kissed my cheek.

"Anyone up for a double-date movie night?" You asked and we all agreed. It was quite a day for all of us, but, there was a happy ending for the day.

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