Tanner Pearson ~ LAK

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These next few imagines that I'm writing is requested by PeterPanlovee . First up, is a spooky adventure with the Kings' Tanner Pearson. Next up'll be a romantic one with Evgeni Malkin ft. A certain someone who you might be in love with who unfortunately got traded away to the Canucks who used to play for the Pens☹️... I'll see you later with Evgeni and the certain someone 😭- Priya 😀
"Are you sure that you're not scared, Y/N?" Tanner nervously laughed, walking slowly around the old, abandoned amusement park with Tyler, his old teammate Martin, Jonathan, and me.

"Not really, no... I've been here with my friends before for Halloween..." I laughed, awwing at Tanner's afraidness of the spooky park.

Tyler rolled his eyes, walking a bit faster than us before a scary ghost popped in front of him.

"Marty, hold me! I'm scared!" Tyler jumped into Martin's arms, holding onto poor Marty for dear life.

"Seriously, Toffoli!? You're scared of a fake ghost on wires!" Johnny and Tanner laughed while Tyler glared at them.

"Y/N, do something to keep your boyfriend in check!" Tyler groaned, getting off of Martin.

I turned to Tanner, about to scold him when the lights turned off all of a sudden.

"Hello? Anyone there?" I yelled out, in which no one responded back.

"Tanner? Tyler? Martin? Where are you guys?" I yelled out once again, in which still nobody responded.

A hand grabbed mine, dragging me across the park to an old food court, before they interrupted.

"Before you say anything, it's just me, Jonathan Quick!" Johnny raised his hands as if he was innocent.

"Hey Johnny, where are the boys?" I smiled in relief after finding Jonathan.

"I have terrible news, Y/N..." Johnny kept a straight face despite trying to laugh.

"Wh-what happened, Johnny?"

"I found Tyler, Tanner, and Martin... But it's not looking so good..."

My mouth dropped open, letting Jonathan finish before I worried.


"Alright, follow me!"




The lights flickered back on, but I gasped as soon as I saw red stuff around the boys, laying there without their eyes open.

"How-how did i-it happen?" I stumbled for words, kneeling down next to Tanner.

"There was a vicious werewolf that bit them and well, this happened..." Johnny sighed remorsefully.

Tears started to build in my eyes, before I closed my eyes and kissed Tanner "one last time".

Unknowingly, Tanner kissed back and I jumped, being freaked out.

"What the hell! You're alive!?" I fully awoke, thanks to the boys' Halloween prank before I heard laughter behind me.

I turned around and I found that the LA Kings players and their WAGs smiling, urging me to turn around.

I turned around, confused at what was going on. I looked around for Tanner, but when I did, I gasped.

He was on one knee with a beautiful diamond and sapphire ring.

"Damn, I forgot the speech... Oh now I remember! Y/N, ever since that day I accidentally bumped into you and I spilt my coffee on you.... I knew you were the one for me. The way you cheer me up when I lose my games or the way you sing along to Shawn Mendes when you cook dinner, I love all of that. You were my inspiration to win the Cup 2 years ago... What I guess I'm trying to say is... Y/F/N, will you do me the honor of being Mrs. Tanner Pearson?" Tanner nervously smiled, worried at what the answer would be.

I kneeled down to him and whispered, "Yes I'll marry you, Pearson!"

We stood up and he put the ring on my finger before Tyler jokingly shouted out.

"Hey Jones, when are you putting a ring on this hand?"

"Shut up, Toffoli!"

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