Brendan Gallagher ~ MC

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It's been a long time since I've updated this and I'm so sorry! School is coming to an end next Friday, June 5th, so I'll be able to update frequently both my soccer and hockey imagines! As I'm trying to finish up the requests for the imagines, I'm posting a Brendan Gallagher (BAE <3) imagine. But I will spend more time with both the imagines book. Anyways, let's dive into the BGally imagine!

"Brendan, slow down! I can't catch up with you!" You panted, trying to catch up to your husband who was pushing the stroller that had your 2-week old daughter, Vanessa Monica Nicole Gallagher. He was at least 10 feet away but you can't blame him since he was helping you take care of Vanessa for the past week. He was so excited for his teammates to meet his daughter. She has his brown hair, green eyes, and jawline, otherwise, she looks like a mini version of you. You caught up to Brendan and he opened the door for you. The noise of the players caught your attention, which meant that practice ended.

"HELLO fellow Canadiens! Did you miss me?" Brendan softly shouted, careful not to wake up Vanessa. You entered the room while carrying Vanessa to hear applause and smiles from the players.

"Meet Vanessa Monica Nicole Gallagher, a new member of the Habs family." You told Brendan's teammates and you carefully passed her to Brendan. Alex gave you a hug and smiled.

"I helped with coming up with the name." Alex chimed but Brendan shot him a glare.

"You suggested the first and the 2nd middle name." Brendan replied back quickly, blushing as he said it.

"Oh but Nikita (Scherbak) and I had to help someone from nearly fainting while their daughter was born." Alex fake coughed and all of them looked towards Brendan. Brendan looked up at ceiling when PK burst out laughing, "Who knew that Brendan fainted. You owe me $25, Prusty."

Brandon sighed and gave PK his $25. Brendan handed off Vanessa to Alex and Nikita while you both talked about Vanessa with the rest of the team.

"Looks like me and Alex are Vanessa's favorite uncles. Well, she likes me more." Nikita cheekily smiled while Alex whacked him in the shoulder. Lars played with Vanessa while adding, "Vanessa looks more like Y/N than Brendan. I mean she has his eyes and hair, but she is like a mini Y/N."

"Let's just hope if she likes hockey. No doubt she will, her mom loves the sport and her dad plays, but hopefully better than her father." Lars laughed and that made Brendan blush.

"I do not play terrible hockey! At least I play better than Mr.Galchenyuk over here." Brendan pointed fingers towards Chucky. They both started to fight, but the teammates just increased as they took sides of Gallagher vs. Galchenyuk.

Oh how you felt bad for Vanessa being in the middle of the drama

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