Damon Severson ~ NJD

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A rainy day... (530+ words)


"What to do, what to do..." I mumbled as I stared out the window to see the torrential rain falling out of the sky. 

Of course, I did what anyone would do; reading a book while sitting near the fireplace...But it was a boring book from the beginning and I was ready to fall asleep when I heard a voice behind me. 

"Is that a good book so far, Y/N?" A familiar voice yelled behind me and I jumped out of the bed, only to find it was Damon...

"You scared the hell out of me, Damon!" I pouted as I playfully slapped his arm. 

"Sorry, sweetheart." 

"Nah, it's okay. It was a very boring book anyways..." 

As I got up from the floor, Damon grabbed my hand and led me to the living room. When we got there, I saw a variety of movie snacks on the coffee table along with some board games. 

"Was this the reason for why you were so quiet today?" I kissed his cheek and he nodded his head. 

"Well, it's rainy outside so I thought, why not have a game day today?" Damon smiled and grabbed a few of the games, "Monopoly, Pie Face, or Twister?"

"How about a little Pie Face? I'll go get the whipped cream!" I giggled as I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the 3 cans of the delicious stuff. 


"That was a 5!" 

"No, that was a 4!" 

"How about we do roshambo?" 

"Best two out of three!" 

We played rock, paper, scissors and let's just say that I was the champion. 

"That teaches you not to mess with me, honey..." I giggled as I sprayed the whipped cream on the hand while looking at Damon. 

"Oh shut up!" Damon sarcastically rolled his eyes but kissed my cheek, "but if it gets on my face, it's revenge for you, Y/N!" 

He got his face into the hole and turned the knob 5 times like he was supposed to, only for the hand to high-five the whipped cream onto his face on the first try! The whipped cream clung to his face like a baby trying to hold onto their pacifier, and I just had to take a picture of him. 

"Well, this is embarrassing for me..." He grabbed a paper towel and I stopped him.

"You got something on your lip there, Damon." I giggled and kissed his lips, only for him to rub the whipped cream on my face. "You did not just do that!" 

"Fight me, L/N." He motioned me to come at him and I cracked my knuckles, walking over to where he sat down. 

"You don't want to do this, sweetheart, but I never lost a challenge of arm wrestling..." I smirked, resting my elbow on the table. 

"Let's test that theory then..." 


"What did I tell you, Damon?" I smiled as I raised my hands in victory. 

"You were cheating somehow!" He shook his head playfully and I glared at him. 

"No, I didn't!" 

"Yeah, you did!"

This went on for about a few seconds before we broke out into laughter. 

"You are so damn lucky that I love you, Y/N L/N." 

"I love you too, Damon." 

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