André Burakovsky ~ WC

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He proposes on Valentine's Day at breakfast... Since he is an adorable Swedish puppy. (650+ words)

(André's POV)


"Goodnight, André. I love you." Y/N kissed my lips and I chuckled lowly.

"Goodnight, Y/N. I love you too." I goofily smiled and slowly, her eyes started to droop. Perfect. 

Grabbing the small velvet box, I gently grabbed the ring out of the box and slid the ring on her finger, being careful not to wake her up. 

Perfect, she didn't wake up and I can finally get some sleep, except I didn't.... 

I was too excited to see what her reaction was and yet, I was nervous also because what if she said no? No, I must be stupid to think like that, she loves me and I love her. 

Gently lifting the hand, I brought it up to my lips and softly kissed the ring. 

"I love you, Y/N." I softly murmured into her ears but I doubt it that she heard me as she was a deep sleeper and I was a light sleeper. 

My eyes slowly started to close and before I knew it, I fell asleep. 


My eyes slowly opened to see the time read 6:02 AM. Getting out of bed, I quickly ran downstairs to the kitchen to make my special Valentine's Day breakfast for Y/N. The pancakes (or waffles your choice) and bacon were the easy stuff, but making the muffins, frittata, and hash browns were a little bit difficult to make since I usually made Tom and Michael my specialty, which was really Swedish meatballs and spaghetti in tomato sauce (or ketchup as you say). 

After cooking all of the breakfast items, I swiftly picked up the tray from the pantry and put all of the food on the ready plates and set them on the tray. 

I picked up an empty glass and poured in her favorite breakfast drink. After setting that on the breakfast tray, with my strong arms, I lifted the heavy tray and carefully began my journey up the stairs to the bedroom. 

Walking inside the room, I gently set the tray on the bedside table and softly shook Y/N awake. 

"Good morning, beautiful!" I chirped, kissing her lips. 

"Morning, handsome," she smirked, kissing my dimple. 

"Happy Valentine's Day!" I laughed and she rolled her eyes. 

"So, do I get my gift or no?" She looked at me with those puppy dog eyes of hers. 

"You're actually wearing it," I smirked, wiggling my eyebrows toward her hand, causing her to lift it up. 

She raised her hand up and gasped as the sunlight hit the diamond ever so perfectly. 

"Will you do me the honors? Will you marry me and become Mrs. André Burakovsky?" I bit my lip, getting down on one knee. 

"Oh my god, André...Yes! Yes, I will marry you, you big doof!" She cried tears of joy and tackled me to the floor, causing the both of us to laugh. 

I leaned my lips towards her and she connected them, giving me a tender yet passionate kiss. I heard cheers erupt from behind us and I looked up at the door to see Willy and Latts at the door. 

"Aww, Burky's getting married!" Michael wiped fake tears while Tom screamed like a little girl. 

"Our little Burky has grown up! It seems like yesterday when he scored his first goal for the Capitals..." Tom sighed, resting his head on Michael's shoulder before he whacked him playfully. "Latts, I thought you loved me..."

"Shut up, Willy."

"Come on, you love me. Admit it!" 

I looked at Y/N's eyes as I heard them bickering, mouthing 'sorry' to her. 

"It's okay, André. I'm happy to be a part of the crazy family and becoming your wife." 

"And I'm excited to become your husband." 

"I love you, André Burakovsky." 

"And I love you, Y/N Burakovsky." 

"Ooh, I like the sound of that!" 

"So do I, babe, so do I...."

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