Nick Spaling ~ SJS

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Settling into the house after moving to San Jose... (570+ words)


Of course, it was a shock that Nick had gotten traded again, but I learned to live with it. It was his 3rd trade within the past 2 years, this time from Toronto to San Jose. Our 2 kids were understanding and they knew that they had to move, but they didn't make a huge temper tantrum like I was expecting them to. And of course, we had our third child, our daughter, Gabrielle not too long ago and it was our first time moving to a different city with her. 

As in for our sons, Ethan and Hudson who were 5 and 4, it was their umpteenth time moving to a different city. 

We eventually flew out to San Jose and packed all our things to unpack at the new house. When we got there, I opened the car door for the boys to get out of and they just ran out into the house. Nick stayed back and softly kissed my cheek. 

"Y/N, why don't you go inside the house and check on the boys? I'll get Gabi." Nick smiled, his brown eyes shining when he was making funny faces at Gabi. 

"Oh, alright. But you and the boys are unpacking all the stuff..." I chuckled to myself, giving Nick a kiss before I walked into the house. 

As soon as I walked into the house, I gasped at the sight. All of the furniture and things were already unpacked and I saw Ethan and Hudson playing hockey in the room across from me. Leaning myself against the wall, I heard the door open and I saw Nick walk in with Gabi in his arms. 

"Daddy is going to love you so much that I will spoil you rotten...Yes, I will-Y/N! How long have you heard this?" Nick looked up at me as soon as I let out a loud giggle as he set Gabi down in the crib that was next to me. 

"Long enough to hear the conversation, Nick...Long enough." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his waist and held onto him. 

"What are the boys doing?" Nick chuckled, kissing the top of my head. 

"They're playing hockey in the room across from us...Hey, Nick." 

"Yeah, Y/N?"

"How was the house already furnished and everything?" 

"I-uh-I had some help from a few of the guys from the team..."

"Let me guess, Martin, Tomas, and Chris?"

"Yep, they helped out." 

"Remind me to thank them the next time I see them..."

"Will do!" 


I'll just say, the first day in our new house went pretty well. Of course, it was a little confusing locating where the rooms were and all that jazz, but the next few weeks will hopefully get easier. 

"Goodnight, Hudson. Goodnight, Ethan. Mommy and Daddy love you both very much!" I giggled, kissing Hudson's forehead before I kissed Ethan's forehead and Nick had tucked them in.  

"Night Mommy, night Daddy!" They both giggled before Nick turned off the light and turned on the nightlight. 

We both tiptoed to Gabi's room and kissed her forehead, swaddling the blanket around her to keep her warm. 

Quietly, we both walked back to our master bedroom and crashed into bed. 

Nick softly kissed me, his brown eyes were illuminated by the moonlight. 

"I love you so much, Nick." I softly giggled, kissing his cheek. 

"I love you too, Y/N." He yawned and just like that, we fell asleep peacefully. 

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