William Nylander ~ TML/Sweden

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Requested by RiseOfTheGuardians_. Next up is a cute imagine with the one and only, the Dominator..Max Domi! 😉- Priya 😊


"Y/N! Where the hell were you!?" Priya looked as if she was scared by a ghost or something.

"I was just at the concession stand, buying some popcorn... Why, what happened?" I sat down in my seat, playing with the sleeves of my Team Sweden Nylander jersey.

"We have to get to the hospital...QUICK!" Priya stood up from her seat, grabbing me and exited the arena, calling a local cab and we got in.

"Why are we going to the hospital?" I asked her, looking out the window to take in some of Helsinki's views.

"William got injured...Team Sweden doesn't know if he's going to be out for the rest of the tournament..." Priya fumbled with her Timashov jersey.

The color on my face flushed all of a sudden, looking at her like if she was crazy.

I nervously laughed, "you're playing a prank on me, right Priya?" I looked at her in hope that she was playing a prank on me.

"I'm afraid I am not, Y/N... William got injured on an open-ice hit from Switzerland's Chris Egli...It was right after he scored..."

The news hit me like a bulldozer demolishing a brick wall.

"Is he alright?" I meekly squealed out, right as the cab stopped at the entrance of the hospital William was admitted to.

"Thank you for driving us. Oh, um, Y/N...The team's afraid that he might've suffered a concussion or some sort..." Priya paid the driver, before getting out of the car and started to catch up to where I was.

We went inside to the hospital and walked up to the nice receptionist.

"Hei, olemme täällä William Nylander?" I spoke in Finnish, unsure of whether or not she spoke English.

"It's okay, I speak English. Anyways, Mr. Nylander is in room 148...Are you girls Team Sweden fans?" The receptionist smiled, looking up at us from her computer.

"Oh, William's her boyfriend and my boyfriend, Dmytro is playing at the arena right now...We came to check up on him..." Priya weakly laughed, before the nurse gave us instructions on how to get there.

"Alright, thank you very much!" I smiled, waving goodbye at her.

"You're very welcome. Hope your boyfriend feels better soon!" She smiled before getting back to her work.

We carefully ran to the wing where William's room was.

Priya let me open the door and we walked inside to find William laying on the bed, luckily conscious and was currently reading a sports magazine; although it was written in Finnish.

"I'll wait outside in the waiting room...Dmytro just texted me saying that he and your brother were coming in a few minutes and I wanted to wait for them..." Priya chuckled, taking a few steps back and walked out into the waiting area.

"Oh my god, William...You really gave me a scare. How are you feeling, äskling?" I sauntered over to the chair next to William's bed, sitting down and holding his hand.

"My head hurts a little bit but otherwise, I'm fine but just in pain a little..." He smiled, kissing my hand reassuringly. "Hey Y/N, can I ask you a question?"

I looked at William in a confused manner, "What would you like to talk about, William?"

He fumbled with the jacket laying on the table next to him, getting a ring box out of it...

He opened it and asked, "Y/F/N, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"

I quietly screamed, nodding my head. He gently slid the ring on my finger and he gave a delicate kiss, as if today was the last day and there was no tomorrow.

"William, how are you feeling-OH! WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!?" Priya, Dmytro, and Alexander walked into the room and quietly back into the corner.

"Uhh, William proposed to me?" I laughed, flashing my ring for them to see.

"Awww, that's so romantic!" She squealed, clapping her hands quietly. "Congrats you two!"

"Alright, William's getting it!" Alex raised his hand for a high-five and Dmytro playfully whacked him in the shoulder. "What was that for!?"

"It was a cute moment between Y/N and William and you just ruined it..." Dmytro shrugged his shoulders. "Anyways, William's finally growing up!"

"Uhh, I'm 5 months older than you, Timashov..." William laughed before we chatted for a while.

"Well, we're relieved to hear and see that you're feeling better, William. We'll be back to check up on you tomorrow, we got to go...Bye!" Alexander, Dmytro, and Priya waved bye for the night and walked out of the room, closing the door behind them.

"What an eventful day it was today..." I softly smiled, looking down at my engagement ring before looking into William's beautiful blue eyes.

"As long as I have you by my side, nothing can hurt me, Y/F/N."

"I love you to Uranus and back, William."

"And I love you to infinity and beyond, Y/N."

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