Zach Fucale ~ MTL

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April Fools! (622 words)


"It's April Fools Day today, Y/N..." B/F/N had a smirk on her face, "you know what that means!" 

"Oh my god, the one day of the year where we're allowed to prank our loved ones..." I laughed and she nodded her head. 

"Do you have all the pranks set up for Zach?" 

"Yes, I do! I got the food coloring up in the kitchen faucet; I put a few fake bugs in a glass of ice-cold water; I made Jell-O in a glass to make it look like it's juice, and I got the frozen cereal all ready to go!" 

"Oh wow...Hey, I gotta go back to my place for my pranks on Lawson...I'll talk to you later, though!" 

"Sounds like a plan!"

She had left to go back to her apartment she shares with Lawson, leaving me all alone in my apartment that I had shared with Zach for the next few hours... So, in the meantime, that meant I was going to scroll through my Instagram feed and all that jazz. 


"Y/N? I'm home!" I heard Zach come in through the door and I immediately stood up. Walking over to where he was, I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. 

"How was your day today, sweetheart?" I smirked as I hid my phone in my pocket and crossed my arms. 

"Ahh, practice was usual. How was your day?" He kissed my forehead before he took off his winter stuff and I walked to the kitchen counter. 

"It was very fun to hang out with B/F/N! Hey! Would you like some Cocoa Puffs?" I smiled as I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed the frozen bowl of cereal. 

"That sounds great, thanks, Y/N." He kissed me once again before he took his seat on one of the stools at the kitchen counter. 

"Well, here you go!" I handed him the cereal bowl to him and he started to try and dig at it, but it ultimately failed for him. 

"Uh, Y/N?" Zach looked at me confusedly and I bit my lip at him. 

"Yeah, Zach?" I tried to hide my smile, so I kept a serious face. 

"The cereal seems to be frozen..." He says to me as he tried to poke the cereal with the spoon, which was also frozen. 

"Aww, I'm so sorry, sweetheart! Do you want any juice or water right now?"

"Some juice sounds good right now." 

I grabbed the 'juice' from the fridge and handed it to him. He thanked me for it and he yet tried to drink it again, but none of it was coming out of the glass. 

"How about some water then?" He looked at me and I nodded my head. 

I grabbed the glass of the ice-cold water and gave to him with a smile on my face. He smiled at me and started to drink it when he looked into the cup. 

"Oh my god! There's a spider in my drink! Why is there a damn spider in my drink!?" He shrieked as he got off his seat and rushed to the kitchen sink to dump out the water. 

He switched the faucet on to get some 'clear' water, but really, it was green food colored water. He went ahead to drink it, but he looked at the glass again. 

"Oh, you got to be freaking kidding me, right?" He groaned and I couldn't keep my laughter in for much longer, so I burst out in laughter. "What?"

"Do you know what day it is today, Zach?" I panted as I was catching up my breath. 

"It's April 1st-Oh! You got me good right there, L/N!" 

"I did, didn't I?" 

"Yeah, well, the games aren't over just yet..." 

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